sendMessage method

Future<(GroqResponse, GroqUsage)> sendMessage(
  1. String prompt, {
  2. GroqMessageRole role = GroqMessageRole.user,
  3. String? username,

Sends a new request message to the chat prompt the message content role the message role DO NOT USE assistant, it is reserved for the AI username the username of the message sender (optional) Returns a tuple of the response and the resource usage Example:

final (response, usage) = await chat.sendMessage('Explain the concept of a chatbot');
print(response.choices.first.message); //prints the response message
print(usage.totalTokens); //prints the total tokens used in the response


Future<(GroqResponse, GroqUsage)> sendMessage(
  String prompt, {
  GroqMessageRole role = GroqMessageRole.user,
  String? username,
}) async {
  final request =
      GroqMessage(content: prompt, role: role, username: username);
  final item = GroqConversationItem(_model, request);
  GroqResponse response;
  GroqUsage usage;
  GroqRateLimitInformation rateLimitInfo;
  try {
    (response, usage, rateLimitInfo) = await GroqApi.getNewChatCompletion(
      apiKey: _apiKey,
      prompt: request,
      chat: this,
  } catch (e) {
  _rateLimitInfo = rateLimitInfo;
  item.setResponse(response, usage);
  _streamController.add(ResponseChatEvent(response, usage));
  return (response, usage);