isTextHarmful method

Future<(bool, GroqLlamaGuardCategory?, GroqUsage, GroqRateLimitInformation?)> isTextHarmful({
  1. required String text,
  2. String? customApiKey,

Checks if the given text is harmful
customApiKey is the API key to use for the check, defaults to the Groq instance API key
Returns whether the text is harmful, the harmful category and the rate limit information

final (isHarmful, harmfulCategory, usage, rateLimit) = await groq.isTextHarmful(
 text: 'YOUR_TEXT',


Future<(bool, GroqLlamaGuardCategory?, GroqUsage, GroqRateLimitInformation?)>
  required String text,
  String? customApiKey,
}) async {
  final specificApiKey = customApiKey ?? apiKey;
  final chat = GroqChat(GroqModels.llama_guard_3_8b, specificApiKey,
  final (response, usage) = await chat.sendMessage(text);
  final answerString = response.choices.first.message;
  bool isHarmful = false;
  GroqLlamaGuardCategory? harmfulCategory;
  if (answerString.contains("unsafe")) {
    isHarmful = true;
    final List<String> answerList = answerString.trim().split('\n');
    if (answerList.length < 2) {
      throw GroqException(
          statusCode: 400,
          error: GroqError(
              message: 'Received invalid response', type: 'InvalidResponse'));
    String harmfulCategoryString = answerList[1];
    harmfulCategory =
  return (isHarmful, harmfulCategory, usage, chat.rateLimitInfo);