Groq Dart SDK

A powerful Dart client library for interacting with the Groq Cloud API, empowering you to easily harness the capabilities of state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) within your Dart and Flutter applications.


  • Intuitive Chat Interface: Seamlessly create and manage chat sessions with Groq's LLMs.
  • Streaming Support: Receive chat responses in real time with streaming functionality.
  • Model Management: Retrieve metadata about available Groq models and dynamically switch between them.
  • Customization: Configure chat settings to fine-tune responses (temperature, max tokens, etc.).
  • Resource Usage Tracking: Get detailed insights into token usage and request/response times.
  • Rate Limit Information: Stay informed about your Groq API usage limits.
  • Future-proof: Easily support new Groq models as they become available.
  • Audio Transcription: Transcribe audio files into text using Groq's powerful Whisper models.
  • Audio Translation: Translate audio files directly into english.
  • Content Moderation: Easily check if texts are harmful.

Getting Started

  1. Obtain a Groq API Key:

  2. Install the Groq Dart SDK:

    • Add groq_sdk to your pubspec.yaml file:
          groq_sdk: ^0.1.0 # add the latest version here
    • Run dart pub get.


Creating a new chat

This initiates a new chat session with the specified model, optionally customizing settings like temperature and max tokens.

final groq = Groq('YOUR_GROQ_API_KEY');
//Start a chat with default settings
if(!await groq.canUseModel(GroqModels.llama3_8b)) return;

final chat = groq.startNewChat(GroqModels.llama3_8b);

//Start a chat with custom settings
final customChat = groq.startNewChat(GroqModels.llama3_70b, settings: GroqChatSettings(
    temperature: 0.8, //More creative responses
    maxTokens: 512, //shorter responses

Listening to a chat stream

This allows you to process each message (both user requests and model responses) as they are sent and received in real-time.

final chat = groq.startNewChat(GroqModels.llama3_8b); {
    event.when(request: (requestEvent) {
      //Listen for user prompts
      print('Request sent...');
    }, response: (responseEvent) {
      //Listen for llm responses
          'Received response: ${responseEvent.response.choices.first.message}');

Sending a Message

Sends a message to the model and awaits the response. The usage object provides details about token consumption and timing. It also sends a request and either a response or an error to the chat's stream. You can additionally retrieve the response and usage via the return values of sendMessage

final (response, usage) = await chat.sendMessage('Explain LLMs to me please');

Switching models and settings

This allows you to dynamically change the language model used in the chat session.

chat.switchModel(GroqModels.mixtral8_7b); //Also available during a running chat

Accessing Rate Limit Information

Provides information about the remaining API calls and tokens you can use within your current rate limit period.

final rateLimitInfo = chat.rateLimitInfo;

Retrieving Resource Usage Information

This gives you the token usage details (prompt tokens, completion tokens, total tokens) for the most recent response. It also gives you response times and prompt times

final latestUsage = chat.latestResponse.usage;

Total Usage for the entire chat

Calculates the cumulative token usage for all requests and responses within the current chat session.

final totalTokensUsed = chat.totalTokens;
print('Total tokens used in this chat: $totalTokensUsed');

Audio Transcription

Transcribe audio files using Groq's supported whisper-large-v3 model (or other available models). Replace './path/to/your/audio.mp3' with the actual path to your audio file.

final groq = Groq('YOUR_GROQ_API_KEY');

try {
  final (transcriptionResult, rateLimitInformation) = await groq.transcribeAudio(
    filePath: './path/to/your/audio.mp3', // Adjust file path as needed
  print(transcriptionResult.text); // The transcribed text
} on GroqException catch (e) {
  print('Error transcribing audio: $e');

Content Moderation

Easily check if a text is harmful using the isTextHarmful method. It analyzes the text and returns whether it's harmful, the harmful category, and usage details.

final (isHarmful, harmfulCategory, usage, rateLimit) = await groq.isTextHarmful(
  text: 'YOUR_TEXT',

if (isHarmful) {
  print('Harmful content detected: $harmfulCategory');


Instead of looking up the standard models, you can use the ids via provided constants in GroqModels:

const String mixtral8_7b = 'mixtral-8x7b-32768';
const String gemma_7b = 'gemma-7b-it';
const String llama3_8b = 'llama3-8b-8192';
const String llama3_70b = 'llama3-70b-8192';
const String whisper_large_v3 = 'whisper-large-v3';
static const String llama31_70b_versatile = 'llama-3.1-70b-versatile';
static const String llama31_8b_instant = 'llama-3.1-8b-instant';
static const String llama3_groq_70b_tool_use_preview =
static const String llama3_groq_8b_tool_use_preview =
static const String llama_guard_3_8b = 'llama-guard-3-8b';

You can use these constants directly when starting a new chat or switching models:

final chat = groq.startNewChat(GroqModels.mixtral8_7b);

Chat Settings

Parameter Description Default
maxConversationalMemoryLength The number of previous messages to include in the context for the model's response. Higher values provide more context-aware responses. 1024
temperature Controls the randomness of responses (0.0 - deterministic, 2.0 - very random). 1.0
maxTokens Maximum number of tokens allowed in the generated response. 8192
topP Controls the nucleus sampling probability mass (0.0 - narrow focus, 1.0 - consider all options). 1.0
stop Optional stop sequence(s) to terminate response generation. null

Important Notes:

  • Replace "YOUR_GROQ_API_KEY" with your actual Groq API key, obtained from the Groq Cloud console:
  • The Groq Cloud console is your central hub for managing API keys, exploring documentation, and accessing other Groq Cloud features:
  • Multiple choices in GroqResponses are not supported yet.