runCaching<T> function

FutureOr<T?> runCaching<T>(
  1. FutureOr<T?> action(), {
  2. FutureOr<T?> onError(
    1. dynamic error,
    2. StackTrace stacktrace

Executes a provided action and handles potential errors.

The function returns T? which represents the result of the executed action if the action is not asynchronous. If the action completes successfully, the result is returned as is. If an exception occurs during the execution, the onError function is called with the error and stack trace. If the onError function is not provided or returns null, the error is swallowed and the result is set to null.

The function returns a Future of type T? which represents the result of the executed action if the action is asynchronous. If the action completes successfully, the result is returned as is. If an exception occurs during the execution, the onError function is called with the error and stack trace. If the onError function is not provided or returns null, the error is swallowed and the result is set to null.

If the onError function is synchronous, the result is returned as is. If it throws an error, the error is swallowed and the result is set to null.

If the onError function is asynchronous, a Future of type T? is returned. If the onError function completes successfully, the result is returned as is. If it throws an error, the error is swallowed and the result is set to null.


FutureOr<T?> runCaching<T>(
  FutureOr<T?> Function() action, {
  FutureOr<T?> Function(dynamic error, StackTrace stacktrace)? onError,
}) {
  FutureOr<T?> result;
  try {
    result =;
  } catch (error, stacktrace) {
    try {
      // call onError if exception occurs.
      result = onError?.call(error, stacktrace);
    } catch (error) {
      // Swallow error if onError throws an error.
      result = null;

  if (result is Future) {
    return (result as Future<T?>)
        // return the value if future completes successfully.
        .then((value) => value)
        // call onError if future completes with error.
            (error, StackTrace stacktrace) => onError?.call(error, stacktrace))
        // swallow error and return null if onError throws an error.
        .catchError((error) => null);

  return result;