io_loader library

Provides loaders in dart:io environment

requestLTsv parses TSV files fetched from HTTP requests.

readLTsv parses TSV files from the file system.


Utility functions to convert dynamic columns in tables to typed columns
Parser of CSV-like file formats


tsvParser → const CsvParser


encodeCsv(List<List> data, {String fieldSep = ',', String textSep = '"'}) String
parseCsv(String buffer, {String fieldSep = ',', String textSep = '"', bool multiline = true}) List<List<String>>
Parses the given CSV buffer
parseLCsv(String buffer, {String fieldSep = ',', String textSep = '"', bool multiline = true}) Table
Parses the given labeled CSV buffer
parseLTsv(String buffer) Table
Parses the given labeled TSV buffer
parseTsv(String buffer) List<List<String>>
Parses the given labeled TSV buffer
readCsv(String path, {Encoding encoding = utf8, String fieldSep = ',', String textSep = '"', bool multiline = true, int headerRow = 0}) Future<List<List<String>>>
Reads file at specified path path as TSV file
readLCsv(String path, {Encoding encoding = utf8, String fieldSep = ',', String textSep = '"', bool multiline = true, int headerRow = 0}) Future<Table>
Reads file at specified path path as TSV file
readLTsv(String path, {Encoding encoding = utf8}) Future<Table>
Reads file at specified path path as TSV file
requestCsv(String url, {String fieldSep = ',', String textSep = '"', bool multiline = true}) Future<List<List<String>>>
Downloads the TSV file from specified url and returns the parsed data
requestLCsv(String url, {String fieldSep = ',', String textSep = '"', bool multiline = true, int headerRow = 0}) Future<Table>
Downloads the TSV file from specified url and returns the parsed data
requestLTsv(String url) Future<Table>
Downloads the TSV file from specified url and returns the parsed data