fillFrom method

void fillFrom(
  1. Buffer other, {
  2. required int x,
  3. required int y,
  4. int sourceX = 0,
  5. int sourceY = 0,
  6. int? width,
  7. int? height,

Copies cells from other into the provided rectangular region.

This is the spiritual equivalent of something like BITBLT.

  • width and height default to the width and height of the buffer.
  • sourceX and sourceY default to 0.


void fillFrom(
  Buffer other, {
  required int x,
  required int y,
  int sourceX = 0,
  int sourceY = 0,
  int? width,
  int? height,
}) {
  width ??= other.width;
  height ??= other.height;
  RangeError.checkNotNegative(x, 'x');
  RangeError.checkNotNegative(y, 'y');
  RangeError.checkNotNegative(sourceX, 'sourceX');
  RangeError.checkNotNegative(sourceY, 'sourceY');
  RangeError.checkNotNegative(width, 'width');
  RangeError.checkNotNegative(height, 'height');
  for (var i = sourceX; i < width + sourceX; i++) {
    for (var j = sourceY; j < height + sourceY; j++) {
      final destX = x + i - sourceX;
      final destY = y + j - sourceY;
      set(destX, destY, other.get(i, j));