
GridWorld is a cellular automaton library associated with a rectangular grid.

It includes Conway's Game of Life evolution rules, and some classic Conway patterns ready for injection.

git clone
cd grid_world
dart run test
dart example/main.dart

Primary interfaces


A GridWorld is a grid of cells that can be dead or alive.

A GridWorld can be constructed from

  • a multi-line string, e.g.

    final blinker = GridWorld.fromString('''

    where . means dead, and anything else means alive.

  • other worlds pasted into or appended to each other.

The cells have no builtin rules regarding their evolution. For that, see Evolver.


A GridWorld accepts, via its takeStep method, an Evolver.

An Evolver pushes a world forward in time per some set of evolutionary rules.

A ConwayEvolver is an Evolver embodying Conway's GOL rules with wrap-around boundary conditions. This evolver also defines some static instances of small GridWorlds containing famous Conway GOL patterns, e.g. the Gosper glider gun:

static final gosperGliderGun = GridWorld.fromString('''


Extending Iterable<GridWorld>, this object combines a GridWorld and an Evolver such that one may evolve a world in an iteration context, e.g.

for (var w in GridWorldIterable(initialWorld, limit: 1000)) {


A GridWorld can be converted to a string using a GridStringer.

GridStringerAnsi is a GridStringer that converts a world to a string with embedded ANSI escape sequences for animation on a terminal.

