removeAccentsFromGreeklish function

String removeAccentsFromGreeklish(
  1. String greeklishTextWithAccents

Converts a given any-case text in Greeklish greeklishTextWithAccents, into the equivalent, simplified version where accents are removed.

For example, "Énas Kósmos" is converted to "Enas Kosmos".

This can be useful when you are searching in text.


String removeAccentsFromGreeklish(final String greeklishTextWithAccents) {
  String greeklishTextWithoutAccents = '';
  for (final String c in greeklishTextWithAccents.split('')) {
    final String? cWithoutAccent = _accentsToPlainGreeklish[c];
    greeklishTextWithoutAccents += cWithoutAccent ?? c;
  return greeklishTextWithoutAccents.toString();