groupingBy<K> method

Grouping<String, K> groupingBy<K>(
  1. K keySelector(
    1. String value

Group elements by a key.

It creates a Grouping using the specified keySelector to extract a key from each character.

It can then be used with one of its group-and-fold operations.

final words = 'one two three four five six seven eight nine ten';
final frequenciesByFirstChar =
    words.groupingBy((value) => value[0]).eachCount();

print('Counting first letters:');
print(frequenciesByFirstChar); // {o=1, t=3, f=2, s=2, e=1, n=1}


Grouping<String, K> groupingBy<K>(K Function(String value) keySelector) {
  return split('').groupingBy(keySelector);