chunked<R> method

Iterable<R> chunked<R>(
  1. int size, [
  2. ChunkedTransform<String, R>? transform

Splits into a list of strings, each not with a length of size.

The last string may have a length smaller than the given size.

The returned iterable will be lazy, it will only chunk the elements that are requested.

final words = 'xxxyyyzzz';
final chunks = words.chunked(3);

print(chunks); // (xxx, yyy, zzz)

When the transform is given, it will be applied to each list.

final codonTable = {
  'ATT': 'Isoleucine',
  'CAA': 'Glutamine',
  'CGC': 'Arginine',
  'GGC': 'Glycine'
final dnaFragment = 'ATTCGCGGCCGCCAA';
final proteins = dnaFragment.chunked(3, (codon) => codonTable[codon]);

print(proteins); // (Isoleucine, Arginine, Glycine, Arginine, Glutamine)


Iterable<R> chunked<R>(int size, [ChunkedTransform<String, R>? transform]) {
  transform ??= (v) => v as R;
  final nnTransform = transform;

  return split('').chunked(size, (v) => nnTransform(v.join()));