graphviz2 library
A library for parsing & creating Graphviz Dot files.
- AList
- A list of attributes.
- AssignStatement
- An assignment statement.
- AttrList
- A list of attributes.
- AttrStatement
- An attribute statement.
- CompassPort
- A port with no ID and only a compass point.
- DotGrammar
- The grammar definition of the Graphviz Dot Language.
- DotParser
- A helper class to make working with parsing easier.
- EdgeRhs
- The right hand side of an edge statement.
- EdgeStatement
- And edge statement, joining two nodes.
- EdgeTarget
- A target for an edge.
- Graph
- A graph.
- IdPort
- A port with an ID and an optional compass point.
- NodeId
- A node ID.
- NodeStatement
- A node statement.
- Port
- A port on a node.
- Statement
- A statement in a graph.
- StmtList
- A list of statements.
- Subgraph
- A subgraph within a larger graph.
- AttrTarget
- A target for an attribute.
- CompassPt
- A compass point, used to indicate where to aim on a node.
- EdgeOp
- An edge operation, indicating the type of edge to use to join two nodes.
- GraphType
- The type of a graph.