Graphql Types Builder

A small package that use the power of build_runner package to create simply dart classes from a GraphQL schema file.

This package is in beta. Use it with caution and file any potential issues you see


  • x Generate Dart Class from GraphQL Schema
  • x Generate constructor fromMap for each generated dart class
  • x Support custom data types (Non Graphql Native types)

Upcoming Features

  • Add support for GraphQL Queries
  • Add support for GraphQL Mutations
  • Add support for GraphQL Subscriptions
  • Generate toMap instance method
  • Improve readme file

Getting started

First you need to add the following dev_dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file.

  graphql_types_builder: ^0.1.0

Then create a build.yaml with the following content in your project's root path.

        enabled: True
          - lib/src/**/*schema.graphql

Note you have to change your_project_name with your project's name, you can find it in the top section of your pubspec.yaml file.

And finally just be sure that you have a schema.graphql file inside of your lib/src folder


flutter packages pub run build_runner build


This package is in beta. If you want to contribute ask to the package owners by sending an email or creating a Github discussion

Additional information

This is a package created and maintained by the FreeWay Mx team. If you have a suggestion or found an issue, don't hesitate in creating a new Github issue 😁