mirrors library


convertDartClass(Type type, [List<Type>? typeArguments]) → GraphQLObjectType?
Shorthand for convertDartType, for when you know the result will be an object type.
convertDartType(Type type, [List<Type>? typeArguments]) → GraphQLType?
Reflects upon a given type and dynamically generates a GraphQLType that corresponds to it.
enumTypeFromClassMirror(ClassMirror mirror) → GraphQLEnumType
fieldFromGetter(Symbol name, MethodMirror mirror, Exclude? exclude, ClassMirror clazz) → GraphQLObjectField
mirrorsFieldResolver<T>(dynamic objectValue, String fieldName, [Map<String, dynamic>? objectValues]) → T?
Uses dart:mirrors to read field names from items. If they are Maps, performs a regular lookup.
objectTypeFromClassMirror(ClassMirror mirror) → GraphQLObjectType?