equalSpecTo method

bool equalSpecTo(
  1. Object other

Checks the equlity of two chart specifications.


bool equalSpecTo(Object other) =>
    other is Chart<D> &&
    // data are checked by changeData.
    deepCollectionEquals(variables, other.variables) &&
    deepCollectionEquals(transforms, other.transforms) &&
    deepCollectionEquals(marks, other.marks) &&
    coord == other.coord &&
    deepCollectionEquals(axes, other.axes) &&
    tooltip == other.tooltip &&
    crosshair == other.crosshair &&
    deepCollectionEquals(annotations, other.annotations) &&
    deepCollectionEquals(selections, other.selections) &&
    rebuild == other.rebuild &&
    changeData == other.changeData &&
    gestureStream == other.gestureStream &&
    resizeStream == other.resizeStream &&
    changeDataStream == other.changeDataStream;