walkOutputsFrom<R> method

R? walkOutputsFrom<R>(
  1. Iterable<T> from,
  2. GraphWalkNodeProcessor<T, R> process, {
  3. NodeMatcher<T>? stopMatcher,
  4. bool processRoots = true,
  5. int maxExpansion = 1,
  6. bool bfs = false,

Walk the graph nodes outputs starting from and stopping at stopMatcher (if provided).


R? walkOutputsFrom<R>(
  Iterable<T> from,
  GraphWalkNodeProcessor<T, R> process, {
  NodeMatcher<T>? stopMatcher,
  bool processRoots = true,
  int maxExpansion = 1,
  bool bfs = false,
}) =>
      stopMatcher: stopMatcher,
      processRoots: processRoots,
      maxExpansion: maxExpansion,
      bfs: bfs,
      process: process,
      outputsProvider: (step, node) => node._outputs,