Graph.fromAdjacencyList constructor
- AdjacencyList adjacencyList
Create a Graph using its adjacency list.
Graph.fromAdjacencyList(AdjacencyList adjacencyList) {
// TODO: Assert that this is a valid adjacency list? - ie adjacencyList[a] contains b <=> adjacencyList[b] contains a
this.adjacencyList = _unmodifiableAdjacencyList(adjacencyList);
// Populate this.edgeList by iterating over all the members of the Set
// adjacencyList.values . Note that this means we see each edge twice, but
// this is OK because edges does not allow duplicates.
final edges = <Edge>{};
for (final adjacencyEntry in adjacencyList.entries) {
(rightNode) => Edge(left: adjacencyEntry.key, right: rightNode)));
edgeList = _unmodifiableEdgeList(edges);