activateService function

Future<bool> activateService(
  1. Feature feature

Activates services.

For each service, a modal popup will appear and ask the user to activate such service if it's not running; a warning toast message will appear, shall the user not activate it.

Returns true if service has been activated, false otherwise.


Future<bool> activateService(Feature feature) async {
  switch (feature) {
    case Feature.BluetoothConnect:
    case Feature.BluetoothScan:
    case Feature.Bluetooth:
      return await BluetoothEnable.enableBluetooth == "true";

    case Feature.Location:
      ServiceStatus serviceStatus = await Permission.location.serviceStatus;
      if (serviceStatus.isDisabled && Platform.isIOS) {
      Location location = new Location();
      var locationResult = true;
      var locationServiceResult = await location.serviceEnabled();
      if (!locationServiceResult)
        locationResult = await location.requestService();
      return locationResult;

    case Feature.LocationAlways:
      ServiceStatus serviceStatus =
          await Permission.locationAlways.serviceStatus;
      if (serviceStatus.isDisabled && Platform.isIOS) {
      Location location = new Location();
      var locationResult = true;
      var locationServiceResult = await location.serviceEnabled();
      if (!locationServiceResult)
        locationResult = await location.requestService();
      return locationResult;

    case Feature.LocationWhenInUse:
      ServiceStatus serviceStatus =
          await Permission.locationWhenInUse.serviceStatus;
      if (serviceStatus.isDisabled && Platform.isIOS) {
      Location location = new Location();
      var locationResult = true;
      var locationServiceResult = await location.serviceEnabled();
      if (!locationServiceResult)
        locationResult = await location.requestService();
      return locationResult;

      throw new UnimplementedError(
          "Cannot activate the service associated to this feature.");