fromNode static method

Selection fromNode(
  1. SelectionNode astNode, [
  2. TypeDefinition? schemaType,
  3. GetExecutableType? getType


static Selection fromNode(
  SelectionNode astNode, [

  /// The [schemaType] of the containing element
  TypeDefinition? schemaType,
  GetExecutableType? getType,
]) {
  if (astNode is FieldNode) {
    // fields can only be selected on Interface and Object types
    final fieldType = (schemaType != null)
        ? (schemaType as TypeDefinitionWithFieldSet)
        : null;
    return Field(astNode, fieldType, getType);

  if (astNode is FragmentSpreadNode) {
    // Fragments can be specified on object types, interfaces, and unions.
    // TODO need another mechanism for saturating fragment spreads.
    // Probably adding a fragmentSpread argument to the getType when within the executable context.
    return FragmentSpread(astNode, schemaType, getType);
  if (astNode is InlineFragmentNode) {
    // inline fragments must always specify a type condition
    final onType = getType!.fromSchema!(astNode.typeCondition!;
    return InlineFragment(astNode, onType, getType);

  throw ArgumentError("$astNode is unsupported");