getBestAlgorithm<P extends GpsPoint, C extends GpsPointsView<P>, F> static method

SearchAlgorithm<GpsPoint, GpsPointsView<GpsPoint>, dynamic> getBestAlgorithm<P extends GpsPoint, C extends GpsPointsView<P>, F>(
  1. C collection,
  2. bool isSorted,
  3. SearchCompareDiff<C, F> compareDiff

Determines which algorithm is best suited for the search in the given collection.


static SearchAlgorithm
    getBestAlgorithm<P extends GpsPoint, C extends GpsPointsView<P>, F>(
        C collection, bool isSorted, SearchCompareDiff<C, F> compareDiff) {
  if (isSorted) {
    // Sorted collection can do a binary search.
    if (collection is GpcEfficient) {
      return BinarySearchInGpcEfficient<P, F>(collection as GpcEfficient<P>,
          compareDiff as SearchCompareDiff<GpcEfficient<P>, F>);
    } else {
      return BinarySearchInSlowCollection<P, F>(collection, compareDiff);
  } else {
    // Unsorted collection requires linear search.
    if (collection is GpcEfficient) {
      return LinearSearchInGpcEfficient<P, F>(collection as GpcEfficient<P>,
          compareDiff as SearchCompareDiff<GpcEfficient<P>, F>);
    } else {
      return LinearSearchInSlowCollection<P, F>(collection, compareDiff);