findUnsafe method

  1. @override
int? findUnsafe(
  1. F target,
  2. num? tolerance,
  3. int start,
  4. int end,

Internal implementation for find, which does not do any validity checks on its arguments. Not to be called directly.


int? findUnsafe(F target, num? tolerance, int start, int end) {
  // Check that it's necessary and possible to deal with tolerances.
  final supportTolerance =
      tolerance != null && tolerance != 0 && compareDiff.diffFunc != null;

  int? bestIndexWithinTolerance;
  num? bestDiffWithinTolerance;

  // Slow implementation, as we've got to do a linear search.
  for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
    if (compareDiff.compareFunc(collection, i, target) == 0) {
      return i;

    if (supportTolerance) {
      final diff = compareDiff.diffFunc!(collection, i, target).abs();
      if (diff > tolerance) {
      if (bestDiffWithinTolerance == null || diff < bestDiffWithinTolerance) {
        bestDiffWithinTolerance = diff;
        bestIndexWithinTolerance = i;

  // Did not find perfect match, but maybe found something within tolerance.
  if (bestIndexWithinTolerance != null) {
    return bestIndexWithinTolerance;

  // Linear search delivered nothing -> return null.
  return null;