init static method

void init({
  1. Frequency frequency = Frequencies.veryLow,
  2. bool shakeToDisable = true,


static void init({Frequency frequency = Frequencies.veryLow, bool shakeToDisable = true}) async {
  // This ensures the content of init() is run just once.
  if (!_isInitialized) {
    _isInitialized = true;

    final player = AudioPlayer()..audioCache = AudioCache(prefix: '');

    if (shakeToDisable) {
        onPhoneShake: () async {
          _isEnabled = !_isEnabled;
          try {
            if (await Vibration.hasVibrator() ?? false) {
              await Vibration.vibrate(duration: _isEnabled ? 500 : 1000);
          } catch (e) {
            i1.log('Unable to vibrate.\n', error: e);
          if (_isEnabled) await _terrify(frequency, player);

    await _terrify(frequency, player);