buildNearbySearchUrl method

String buildNearbySearchUrl({
  1. Location? location,
  2. num? radius,
  3. String? type,
  4. String? keyword,
  5. String? language,
  6. PriceLevel? minprice,
  7. PriceLevel? maxprice,
  8. String? name,
  9. String? rankby,
  10. String? pagetoken,


String buildNearbySearchUrl({
  Location? location,
  num? radius,
  String? type,
  String? keyword,
  String? language,
  PriceLevel? minprice,
  PriceLevel? maxprice,
  String? name,
  String? rankby,
  String? pagetoken,
}) {
  if (radius != null && rankby != null) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        "'rankby' must not be included if 'radius' is specified.");

  if (rankby == 'distance' &&
      keyword == null &&
      type == null &&
      name == null) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        "If 'rankby=distance' is specified, then one or more of 'keyword', 'name', or 'type' is required.");

  final params = <String, String>{};

  if (location != null) {
    params['location'] = location.toString();

  if (keyword != null) {
    params['keyword'] = keyword;

  if (name != null) {
    params['name'] = name;

  if (rankby != null) {
    params['rankby'] = rankby;

  if (minprice != null) {
    params['minprice'] = minprice.index.toString();

  if (maxprice != null) {
    params['maxprice'] = maxprice.index.toString();

  if (type != null) {
    params['type'] = type;

  if (pagetoken != null) {
    params['pagetoken'] = pagetoken;

  if (language != null) {
    params['language'] = language;

  if (radius != null) {
    params['radius'] = radius.toString();

  if (apiKey != null) {
    params['key'] = apiKey!;
  return url
        path: '${url.path}$_nearbySearchUrl',
        queryParameters: params,