clientViaApiKey function

Client clientViaApiKey(
  1. String apiKey, {
  2. Client? baseClient,

Obtains a Client which uses the given apiKey for making HTTP requests.

If baseClient is provided, all HTTP requests will be made with it. Otherwise, a new Client instance will be created.

Note that the returned client should only be used for making HTTP requests to Google Services. The apiKey should not be disclosed to third parties.

The user is responsible for closing the returned HTTP Client. Closing the returned Client will not close baseClient.


Client clientViaApiKey(
  String apiKey, {
  Client? baseClient,
}) {
  if (baseClient == null) {
    baseClient = Client();
  } else {
    baseClient = nonClosingClient(baseClient);
  return ApiKeyClient(baseClient, apiKey);