parsejs function

Program parsejs(
  1. String text, {
  2. String? filename,
  3. int firstLine = 1,
  4. bool handleNoise = true,
  5. bool annotations = true,
  6. bool parseAsExpression = false,

Parse text as a JavaScript program and return its AST.


  • filename: a string indicating where the source came from (this string has no special syntax or meaning).

  • firstLine: line number to associate with the first line of code.

  • handleNoise: tolerate noise, such as hash bangs (#!) and HTML comment markers () (default: true).

  • annotations: if true, Node.parent, Scope.environment, and Name.scope will be initialized (default: true).

  • parseAsExpression: if true, parse the input as an expression statement.


Program parsejs(String text, {String? filename, int firstLine = 1, bool handleNoise = true, bool annotations = true, bool parseAsExpression = false}) {
  Offsets offset = Offsets(0, text.length, firstLine);
  if (handleNoise) {
    offset = trimNoise(text, offset);
  Lexer lexer = Lexer(text, filename: filename, currentLine: offset.line, index: offset.start, endOfFile: offset.end);
  Parser parser = Parser(lexer);
  Program ast = parseAsExpression ? parser.parseExpressionProgram() : parser.parseProgram();
  if (annotations) {
  ast.filename = filename;
  return ast;