type property

String? type
getter/setter pair

Type of issue.

Required. Possible string values are:

  • "unspecifiedType" : Default unspecified type. Do not use. For versioning only.
  • "fatalException" : Issue is a fatal exception.
  • "nativeCrash" : Issue is a native crash.
  • "anr" : Issue is an ANR crash.
  • "unusedRoboDirective" : Issue is an unused robo directive.
  • "compatibleWithOrchestrator" : Issue is a suggestion to use orchestrator.
  • "launcherActivityNotFound" : Issue with finding a launcher activity
  • "startActivityNotFound" : Issue with resolving a user-provided intent to start an activity
  • "incompleteRoboScriptExecution" : A Robo script was not fully executed.
  • "completeRoboScriptExecution" : A Robo script was fully and successfully executed.
  • "failedToInstall" : The APK failed to install.
  • "availableDeepLinks" : The app-under-test has deep links, but none were provided to Robo.
  • "nonSdkApiUsageViolation" : App accessed a non-sdk Api.
  • "nonSdkApiUsageReport" : App accessed a non-sdk Api (new detailed report)
  • "encounteredNonAndroidUiWidgetScreen" : Robo crawl encountered at least one screen with elements that are not Android UI widgets.
  • "encounteredLoginScreen" : Robo crawl encountered at least one probable login screen.
  • "performedGoogleLogin" : Robo signed in with Google.
  • "iosException" : iOS App crashed with an exception.
  • "iosCrash" : iOS App crashed without an exception (e.g. killed).
  • "performedMonkeyActions" : Robo crawl involved performing some monkey actions.
  • "usedRoboDirective" : Robo crawl used a Robo directive.
  • "usedRoboIgnoreDirective" : Robo crawl used a Robo directive to ignore an UI element.
  • "insufficientCoverage" : Robo did not crawl some potentially important parts of the app.
  • "inAppPurchases" : Robo crawl involved some in-app purchases.
  • "crashDialogError" : Crash dialog was detected during the test execution
  • "uiElementsTooDeep" : UI element depth is greater than the threshold
  • "blankScreen" : Blank screen is found in the Robo crawl
  • "overlappingUiElements" : Overlapping UI elements are found in the Robo crawl
  • "unityException" : An uncaught Unity exception was detected (these don't crash apps).
  • "deviceOutOfMemory" : Device running out of memory was detected
  • "logcatCollectionError" : Problems detected while collecting logcat
  • "detectedAppSplashScreen" : Robo detected a splash screen provided by app (vs. Android OS splash screen).
  • "assetIssue" : There was an issue with the assets in this test.


core.String? type;