WorkItemStatus class
Conveys a worker's progress through the work described by a WorkItem.
WorkItemStatus({bool? completed, List<
CounterUpdate> ? counterUpdates, DynamicSourceSplit? dynamicSourceSplit, List<Status> ? errors, List<MetricUpdate> ? metricUpdates, ApproximateProgress? progress, String? reportIndex, ApproximateReportedProgress? reportedProgress, String? requestedLeaseDuration, SourceFork? sourceFork, SourceOperationResponse? sourceOperationResponse, Position? stopPosition, double? totalThrottlerWaitTimeSeconds, String? workItemId}) - WorkItemStatus.fromJson(Map json_)
- completed ↔ bool?
True if the WorkItem was completed (successfully or unsuccessfully).
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
CounterUpdate> ? -
Worker output counters for this WorkItem.
getter/setter pair
- dynamicSourceSplit ↔ DynamicSourceSplit?
See documentation of stop_position.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Status> ? -
Specifies errors which occurred during processing.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
↔ List<
MetricUpdate> ? -
DEPRECATED in favor of counter_updates.
getter/setter pair
- progress ↔ ApproximateProgress?
DEPRECATED in favor of reported_progress.
getter/setter pair
- reportedProgress ↔ ApproximateReportedProgress?
The worker's progress through this WorkItem.
getter/setter pair
- reportIndex ↔ String?
The report index.
getter/setter pair
- requestedLeaseDuration ↔ String?
Amount of time the worker requests for its lease.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- sourceFork ↔ SourceFork?
DEPRECATED in favor of dynamic_source_split.
getter/setter pair
- sourceOperationResponse ↔ SourceOperationResponse?
If the work item represented a SourceOperationRequest, and the work is
completed, contains the result of the operation.
getter/setter pair
- stopPosition ↔ Position?
A worker may split an active map task in two parts, "primary" and
"residual", continuing to process the primary part and returning the
residual part into the pool of available work.
getter/setter pair
- totalThrottlerWaitTimeSeconds ↔ double?
Total time the worker spent being throttled by external systems.
getter/setter pair
- workItemId ↔ String?
Identifies the WorkItem.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.