Settings class

Database instance settings.


Settings({String? activationPolicy, SqlActiveDirectoryConfig? activeDirectoryConfig, AdvancedMachineFeatures? advancedMachineFeatures, List<String>? authorizedGaeApplications, String? availabilityType, BackupConfiguration? backupConfiguration, String? collation, String? connectorEnforcement, bool? crashSafeReplicationEnabled, DataCacheConfig? dataCacheConfig, String? dataDiskSizeGb, String? dataDiskType, List<DatabaseFlags>? databaseFlags, bool? databaseReplicationEnabled, bool? deletionProtectionEnabled, List<DenyMaintenancePeriod>? denyMaintenancePeriods, String? edition, InsightsConfig? insightsConfig, IpConfiguration? ipConfiguration, String? kind, LocationPreference? locationPreference, MaintenanceWindow? maintenanceWindow, PasswordValidationPolicy? passwordValidationPolicy, String? pricingPlan, String? replicationType, String? settingsVersion, SqlServerAuditConfig? sqlServerAuditConfig, bool? storageAutoResize, String? storageAutoResizeLimit, String? tier, String? timeZone, Map<String, String>? userLabels})
Settings.fromJson(Map json_)


activationPolicy String?
The activation policy specifies when the instance is activated; it is applicable only when the instance state is RUNNABLE.
getter/setter pair
activeDirectoryConfig SqlActiveDirectoryConfig?
Active Directory configuration, relevant only for Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
getter/setter pair
advancedMachineFeatures AdvancedMachineFeatures?
Specifies advance machine configuration for the instance relevant only for SQL Server.
getter/setter pair
authorizedGaeApplications List<String>?
The App Engine app IDs that can access this instance.
getter/setter pair
availabilityType String?
Availability type.
getter/setter pair
backupConfiguration BackupConfiguration?
The daily backup configuration for the instance.
getter/setter pair
collation String?
The name of server Instance collation.
getter/setter pair
connectorEnforcement String?
Specifies if connections must use Cloud SQL connectors.
getter/setter pair
crashSafeReplicationEnabled bool?
Configuration specific to read replica instances.
getter/setter pair
databaseFlags List<DatabaseFlags>?
The database flags passed to the instance at startup.
getter/setter pair
databaseReplicationEnabled bool?
Configuration specific to read replica instances.
getter/setter pair
dataCacheConfig DataCacheConfig?
Configuration for data cache.
getter/setter pair
dataDiskSizeGb String?
The size of data disk, in GB.
getter/setter pair
dataDiskType String?
The type of data disk: PD_SSD (default) or PD_HDD.
getter/setter pair
deletionProtectionEnabled bool?
Configuration to protect against accidental instance deletion.
getter/setter pair
denyMaintenancePeriods List<DenyMaintenancePeriod>?
Deny maintenance periods
getter/setter pair
edition String?
The edition of the instance.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
insightsConfig InsightsConfig?
Insights configuration, for now relevant only for Postgres.
getter/setter pair
ipConfiguration IpConfiguration?
The settings for IP Management.
getter/setter pair
kind String?
This is always sql#settings.
getter/setter pair
locationPreference LocationPreference?
The location preference settings.
getter/setter pair
maintenanceWindow MaintenanceWindow?
The maintenance window for this instance.
getter/setter pair
passwordValidationPolicy PasswordValidationPolicy?
The local user password validation policy of the instance.
getter/setter pair
pricingPlan String?
The pricing plan for this instance.
getter/setter pair
replicationType String?
The type of replication this instance uses.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
settingsVersion String?
The version of instance settings.
getter/setter pair
sqlServerAuditConfig SqlServerAuditConfig?
SQL Server specific audit configuration.
getter/setter pair
storageAutoResize bool?
Configuration to increase storage size automatically.
getter/setter pair
storageAutoResizeLimit String?
The maximum size to which storage capacity can be automatically increased.
getter/setter pair
tier String?
The tier (or machine type) for this instance, for example db-custom-1-3840.
getter/setter pair
timeZone String?
Server timezone, relevant only for Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
getter/setter pair
userLabels Map<String, String>?
User-provided labels, represented as a dictionary where each label is a single key value pair.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.