datalabeling/v1beta1 library
Data Labeling API - v1beta1
Public API for Google Cloud AI Data Labeling Service.
For more information, see
Create an instance of DataLabelingApi to access these resources:
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsAnnotatedDatasetsFeedbackThreadsFeedbackMessagesResource
- DataLabelingApi
- Public API for Google Cloud AI Data Labeling Service.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1AnnotatedDataset
- AnnotatedDataset is a set holding annotations for data in a Dataset.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1AnnotatedDatasetMetadata
- Metadata on AnnotatedDataset.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Annotation
- Annotation for Example.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1AnnotationMetadata
- Additional information associated with the annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1AnnotationSpec
- Container of information related to one possible annotation that can be used in a labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1AnnotationSpecSet
- An AnnotationSpecSet is a collection of label definitions.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1AnnotationSpecSetConfig
- Annotation spec set with the setting of allowing multi labels or not.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1AnnotationValue
- Annotation value for an example.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Attempt
- Records a failed evaluation job run.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1BigQuerySource
- The BigQuery location for input data.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1BoundingBoxEvaluationOptions
- Options regarding evaluation between bounding boxes.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1BoundingPoly
- A bounding polygon in the image.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ClassificationMetadata
- Metadata for classification annotations.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ClassificationMetrics
- Metrics calculated for a classification model.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ConfidenceMetricsEntry
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ConfusionMatrix
- Confusion matrix of the model running the classification.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ConfusionMatrixEntry
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1CreateAnnotationSpecSetRequest
- Request message for CreateAnnotationSpecSet.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1CreateDatasetRequest
- Request message for CreateDataset.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1CreateEvaluationJobRequest
- Request message for CreateEvaluationJob.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1CreateInstructionRequest
- Request message for CreateInstruction.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1CsvInstruction
- Deprecated: this instruction format is not supported any more.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1DataItem
- DataItem is a piece of data, without annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Dataset
- Dataset is the resource to hold your data.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Evaluation
- Describes an evaluation between a machine learning model's predictions and ground truth labels.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1EvaluationConfig
- Configuration details used for calculating evaluation metrics and creating an Evaluation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1EvaluationJob
- Defines an evaluation job that runs periodically to generate Evaluations.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1EvaluationJobAlertConfig
- Provides details for how an evaluation job sends email alerts based on the results of a run.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1EvaluationJobConfig
- Configures specific details of how a continuous evaluation job works.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1EvaluationMetrics
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1EventConfig
- Config for video event human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Example
- An Example is a piece of data and its annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ExampleComparison
- Example comparisons comparing ground truth output and predictions for a specific input.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ExportDataRequest
- Request message for ExportData API.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1FeedbackMessage
- A feedback message inside a feedback thread.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1FeedbackThread
- A feedback thread of a certain labeling task on a certain annotated dataset.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1FeedbackThreadMetadata
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1GcsDestination
- Export destination of the data.Only gcs path is allowed in output_uri.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1GcsFolderDestination
- Export folder destination of the data.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1GcsSource
- Source of the Cloud Storage file to be imported.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1HumanAnnotationConfig
- Configuration for how human labeling task should be done.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ImageBoundingPolyAnnotation
- Image bounding poly annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ImageClassificationAnnotation
- Image classification annotation definition.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ImageClassificationConfig
- Config for image classification human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ImagePayload
- Container of information about an image.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ImagePolylineAnnotation
- A polyline for the image annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ImageSegmentationAnnotation
- Image segmentation annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ImportDataRequest
- Request message for ImportData API.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1InputConfig
- The configuration of input data, including data type, location, etc.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Instruction
- Instruction of how to perform the labeling task for human operators.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1LabelImageRequest
- Request message for starting an image labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1LabelStats
- Statistics about annotation specs.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1LabelTextRequest
- Request message for LabelText.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1LabelVideoRequest
- Request message for LabelVideo.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListAnnotatedDatasetsResponse
- Results of listing annotated datasets for a dataset.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListAnnotationSpecSetsResponse
- Results of listing annotation spec set under a project.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListDataItemsResponse
- Results of listing data items in a dataset.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListDatasetsResponse
- Results of listing datasets within a project.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListEvaluationJobsResponse
- Results for listing evaluation jobs.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListExamplesResponse
- Results of listing Examples in and annotated dataset.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListFeedbackMessagesResponse
- Results for listing FeedbackMessages.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListFeedbackThreadsResponse
- Results for listing FeedbackThreads.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ListInstructionsResponse
- Results of listing instructions under a project.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1NormalizedBoundingPoly
- Normalized bounding polygon.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1NormalizedPolyline
- Normalized polyline.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1NormalizedVertex
- A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ObjectDetectionConfig
- Config for video object detection human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ObjectDetectionMetrics
- Metrics calculated for an image object detection (bounding box) model.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ObjectTrackingConfig
- Config for video object tracking human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ObjectTrackingFrame
- Video frame level annotation for object detection and tracking.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1OperatorMetadata
- General information useful for labels coming from contributors.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1OutputConfig
- The configuration of output data.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1PdfInstruction
- Instruction from a PDF file.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Polyline
- A line with multiple line segments.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1PrCurve
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Row
- A row in the confusion matrix.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1SearchEvaluationsResponse
- Results of searching evaluations.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1SearchExampleComparisonsRequest
- Request message of SearchExampleComparisons.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1SearchExampleComparisonsResponse
- Results of searching example comparisons.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1SegmentationConfig
- Config for image segmentation
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1SentimentConfig
- Config for setting up sentiments.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1SequentialSegment
- Start and end position in a sequence (e.g. text segment).
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1TextClassificationAnnotation
- Text classification annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1TextClassificationConfig
- Config for text classification human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1TextEntityExtractionAnnotation
- Text entity extraction annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1TextEntityExtractionConfig
- Config for text entity extraction human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1TextMetadata
- Metadata for the text.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1TextPayload
- Container of information about a piece of text.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1TimeSegment
- A time period inside of an example that has a time dimension (e.g. video).
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1Vertex
- A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1VideoClassificationAnnotation
- Video classification annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1VideoClassificationConfig
- Config for video classification human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1VideoEventAnnotation
- Video event annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1VideoObjectTrackingAnnotation
- Video object tracking annotation.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1VideoPayload
- Container of information of a video.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1VideoThumbnail
- Container of information of a video thumbnail.
- GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- ProjectsAnnotationSpecSetsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsAnnotatedDatasetsDataItemsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsAnnotatedDatasetsExamplesResource
- ProjectsDatasetsAnnotatedDatasetsFeedbackThreadsFeedbackMessagesResource
- ProjectsDatasetsAnnotatedDatasetsFeedbackThreadsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsAnnotatedDatasetsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsDataItemsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsEvaluationsExampleComparisonsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsEvaluationsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsImageResource
- ProjectsDatasetsResource
- ProjectsDatasetsTextResource
- ProjectsDatasetsVideoResource
- ProjectsEvaluationJobsResource
- ProjectsEvaluationsResource
- ProjectsInstructionsResource
- ProjectsOperationsResource
- ProjectsResource
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1BoundingPolyConfig = $Config
- Config for image bounding poly (and bounding box) human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1OperatorFeedbackMetadata = $Empty
- Metadata describing the feedback from the operator.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1PauseEvaluationJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for PauseEvaluationJob.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1PolylineConfig = $Config
- Config for image polyline human labeling task.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1RequesterFeedbackMetadata = $Empty
- Metadata describing the feedback from the labeling task requester.
- GoogleCloudDatalabelingV1beta1ResumeEvaluationJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message ResumeEvaluationJob.
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.