ProjectsHistoriesExecutionsStepsResource class
accessibilityClusters(String name, {String? locale, String? $fields})
→ Future<ListStepAccessibilityClustersResponse>
Lists accessibility clusters for a given Step May return any of the
following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not
authorized to read project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is
malformed - FAILED_PRECONDITION - if an argument in the request happens to
be invalid; e.g. if the locale format is incorrect - NOT_FOUND - if the
containing Step does not exist
create(Step request, String projectId, String historyId, String executionId, {String? requestId, String? $fields})
→ Future<Step>
Creates a Step.
get(String projectId, String historyId, String executionId, String stepId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<Step>
Gets a Step.
getPerfMetricsSummary(String projectId, String historyId, String executionId, String stepId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<PerfMetricsSummary>
Retrieves a PerfMetricsSummary.
list(String projectId, String historyId, String executionId, {int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? $fields})
→ Future<ListStepsResponse>
Lists Steps for a given Execution.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
patch(Step request, String projectId, String historyId, String executionId, String stepId, {String? requestId, String? $fields})
→ Future<Step>
Updates an existing Step with the supplied partial entity.
publishXunitXmlFiles(PublishXunitXmlFilesRequest request, String projectId, String historyId, String executionId, String stepId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<Step>
Publish xml files to an existing Step.
→ String
A string representation of this object.