type property

String? type
getter/setter pair

Identifies the specific error that occurred. Possible string values are:

  • "UNSUPPORTED_MIGRATION_TYPE" : Unsupported migration type.
  • "NO_PGLOGICAL_INSTALLED" : No pglogical extension installed on databases, applicable for postgres.
  • "PGLOGICAL_NODE_ALREADY_EXISTS" : pglogical node already exists on databases, applicable for postgres.
  • "INVALID_WAL_LEVEL" : The value of parameter wal_level is not set to logical.
  • "INVALID_SHARED_PRELOAD_LIBRARY" : The value of parameter shared_preload_libraries does not include pglogical.
  • "INSUFFICIENT_MAX_REPLICATION_SLOTS" : The value of parameter max_replication_slots is not sufficient.
  • "INSUFFICIENT_MAX_WAL_SENDERS" : The value of parameter max_wal_senders is not sufficient.
  • "INSUFFICIENT_MAX_WORKER_PROCESSES" : The value of parameter max_worker_processes is not sufficient.
  • "UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS" : Extensions installed are either not supported or having unsupported versions
  • "INVALID_RDS_LOGICAL_REPLICATION" : The value of parameter rds.logical_replication is not set to 1.
  • "INVALID_LOGGING_SETUP" : The primary instance logging setup doesn't allow EM sync.
  • "INVALID_DB_PARAM" : The primary instance database parameter setup doesn't allow EM sync.
  • "UNSUPPORTED_GTID_MODE" : The gtid_mode is not supported, applicable for MySQL.
  • "SQLSERVER_AGENT_NOT_RUNNING" : SQL Server Agent is not running.
  • "UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_DEFINITION" : The table definition is not support due to missing primary key or replica identity, applicable for postgres.
  • "UNSUPPORTED_DEFINER" : The customer has a definer that will break EM setup.
  • "SQLSERVER_SERVERNAME_MISMATCH" : SQL Server @@SERVERNAME does not match actual host name
  • "PRIMARY_ALREADY_SETUP" : The primary instance has been setup and will fail the setup.
  • "UNSUPPORTED_BINLOG_FORMAT" : The primary instance has unsupported binary log format.
  • "BINLOG_RETENTION_SETTING" : The primary instance's binary log retention setting.


core.String? type;