adexchangebuyer2/v2beta1 library
Ad Exchange Buyer API II - v2beta1
Accesses the latest features for managing Authorized Buyers accounts, Real-Time Bidding configurations and auction metrics, and Marketplace programmatic deals.
For more information, see
Create an instance of AdExchangeBuyerIIApi to access these resources:
- AccountsResource
- BiddersResource
- BiddersAccountsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidMetricsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsImpressionMetricsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsLosingBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsBidMetricsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsLosingBidsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsResource
- AbsoluteDateRange
- An absolute date range, specified by its start date and end date.
- AcceptProposalRequest
- Request to accept a proposal.
- AccountsClientsInvitationsResource
- AccountsClientsResource
- AccountsClientsUsersResource
- AccountsCreativesDealAssociationsResource
- AccountsCreativesResource
- AccountsFinalizedProposalsResource
- AccountsProductsResource
- AccountsProposalsResource
- AccountsPublisherProfilesResource
- AccountsResource
- AddDealAssociationRequest
- A request for associating a deal and a creative.
- AddNoteRequest
- Request message for adding a note to a given proposal.
- AdExchangeBuyerIIApi
- Accesses the latest features for managing Authorized Buyers accounts, Real-Time Bidding configurations and auction metrics, and Marketplace programmatic deals.
- AdSize
- Represents size of a single ad slot, or a creative.
- AdTechnologyProviders
- Detected ad technology provider information.
- AppContext
- The app type the restriction applies to for mobile device.
- AuctionContext
- The auction type the restriction applies to.
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidMetricsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsImpressionMetricsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsLosingBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsResource
- BiddersAccountsFilterSetsResource
- BiddersAccountsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsBidMetricsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesResource
- BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsLosingBidsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsResource
- BiddersFilterSetsResource
- BiddersResource
- BidMetricsRow
- The set of metrics that are measured in numbers of bids, representing how many bids with the specified dimension values were considered eligible at each stage of the bidding funnel;
- BidResponseWithoutBidsStatusRow
- The number of impressions with the specified dimension values that were considered to have no applicable bids, as described by the specified status.
- Buyer
- Represents a buyer of inventory.
- CalloutStatusRow
- The number of impressions with the specified dimension values where the corresponding bid request or bid response was not successful, as described by the specified callout status.
- Client
- A client resource represents a client buyer—an agency, a brand, or an advertiser customer of the sponsor buyer.
- ClientUser
- A client user is created under a client buyer and has restricted access to the Marketplace and certain other sections of the Authorized Buyers UI based on the role granted to the associated client buyer.
- ClientUserInvitation
- An invitation for a new client user to get access to the Authorized Buyers UI.
- ContactInformation
- Contains information on how a buyer or seller can be reached.
- Correction
- Shows any corrections that were applied to this creative.
- Creative
- A creative and its classification data.
- CreativeDealAssociation
- The association between a creative and a deal.
- CreativeRestrictions
- Represents creative restrictions associated to Programmatic Guaranteed/ Preferred Deal in Ad Manager.
- CreativeSize
- Specifies the size of the creative.
- CreativeSpecification
- Represents information for a creative that is associated with a Programmatic Guaranteed/Preferred Deal in Ad Manager.
- CreativeStatusRow
- The number of bids with the specified dimension values that did not win the auction (either were filtered pre-auction or lost the auction), as described by the specified creative status.
- CriteriaTargeting
- Generic targeting used for targeting dimensions that contains a list of included and excluded numeric IDs.
- DayPart
- Daypart targeting message that specifies if the ad can be shown only during certain parts of a day/week.
- DayPartTargeting
- Specifies the day part targeting criteria.
- Deal
- A deal represents a segment of inventory for displaying ads on.
- DealPauseStatus
- Tracks which parties (if any) have paused a deal.
- DealServingMetadata
- Message captures metadata about the serving status of a deal.
- DealTerms
- The deal terms specify the details of a Product/deal.
- DeliveryControl
- Message contains details about how the deals will be paced.
- Disapproval
- The reason and details for a disapproval.
- FilteredBidCreativeRow
- The number of filtered bids with the specified dimension values that have the specified creative.
- FilteredBidDetailRow
- The number of filtered bids with the specified dimension values, among those filtered due to the requested filtering reason (i.e. creative status), that have the specified detail.
- FilterSet
- A set of filters that is applied to a request for data.
- FirstPartyMobileApplicationTargeting
- Represents a list of targeted and excluded mobile application IDs that publishers own.
- FrequencyCap
- Frequency cap.
- GuaranteedFixedPriceTerms
- Terms for Programmatic Guaranteed Deals.
- HtmlContent
- HTML content for a creative.
- Image
- An image resource.
- ImpressionMetricsRow
- The set of metrics that are measured in numbers of impressions, representing how many impressions with the specified dimension values were considered eligible at each stage of the bidding funnel.
- InventorySizeTargeting
- Represents the size of an ad unit that can be targeted on an ad request.
- ListBidMetricsResponse
- Response message for listing the metrics that are measured in number of bids.
- ListBidResponseErrorsResponse
- Response message for listing all reasons that bid responses resulted in an error.
- ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse
- Response message for listing all reasons that bid responses were considered to have no applicable bids.
- ListClientsResponse
- ListClientUserInvitationsResponse
- ListClientUsersResponse
- ListCreativesResponse
- A response for listing creatives.
- ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse
- Response message for listing all creatives associated with a given filtered bid reason.
- ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse
- Response message for listing all details associated with a given filtered bid reason.
- ListDealAssociationsResponse
- A response for listing creative and deal associations
- ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse
- Response message for listing all reasons that bid requests were filtered and not sent to the buyer.
- ListFilteredBidsResponse
- Response message for listing all reasons that bids were filtered from the auction.
- ListFilterSetsResponse
- Response message for listing filter sets.
- ListImpressionMetricsResponse
- Response message for listing the metrics that are measured in number of impressions.
- ListLosingBidsResponse
- Response message for listing all reasons that bids lost in the auction.
- ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse
- Response message for listing all reasons for which a buyer was not billed for a winning bid.
- ListProductsResponse
- Response message for listing products visible to the buyer.
- ListProposalsResponse
- Response message for listing proposals.
- ListPublisherProfilesResponse
- Response message for profiles visible to the buyer.
- LocationContext
- The Geo criteria the restriction applies to.
- MarketplaceTargeting
- Targeting represents different criteria that can be used by advertisers to target ad inventory.
- MetricValue
- A metric value, with an expected value and a variance; represents a count that may be either exact or estimated (i.e. when sampled).
- MobileApplicationTargeting
- Mobile application targeting settings.
- NativeContent
- Native content for a creative.
- NonBillableWinningBidStatusRow
- The number of winning bids with the specified dimension values for which the buyer was not billed, as described by the specified status.
- NonGuaranteedAuctionTerms
- Terms for Private Auctions.
- NonGuaranteedFixedPriceTerms
- Terms for Preferred Deals.
- Note
- A proposal may be associated to several notes.
- OperatingSystemTargeting
- Represents targeting information for operating systems.
- PauseProposalDealsRequest
- Request message to pause serving for finalized deals.
- PauseProposalRequest
- Request message to pause serving for an already-finalized proposal.
- PlacementTargeting
- Represents targeting about where the ads can appear, e.g., certain sites or mobile applications.
- PlatformContext
- The type of platform the restriction applies to.
- Price
- Represents a price and a pricing type for a product / deal.
- PricePerBuyer
- Used to specify pricing rules for buyers/advertisers.
- PrivateData
- Buyers are allowed to store certain types of private data in a proposal/deal.
- Product
- A product is a segment of inventory that a seller wishes to sell.
- Proposal
- Represents a proposal in the Marketplace.
- PublisherProfile
- Represents a publisher profile ( in Marketplace.
- PublisherProfileMobileApplication
- A mobile application that contains a external app ID, name, and app store.
- RealtimeTimeRange
- An open-ended realtime time range specified by the start timestamp.
- RelativeDateRange
- A relative date range, specified by an offset and a duration.
- RemoveDealAssociationRequest
- A request for removing the association between a deal and a creative.
- ResumeProposalDealsRequest
- Request message to resume (unpause) serving for already-finalized deals.
- RowDimensions
- A response may include multiple rows, breaking down along various dimensions.
- SecurityContext
- A security context.
- Seller
- Represents a seller of inventory.
- ServingContext
- The serving context for this restriction.
- ServingRestriction
- A representation of the status of an ad in a specific context.
- Size
- Message depicting the size of the creative.
- TargetingCriteria
- Advertisers can target different attributes of an ad slot.
- TargetingValue
- A polymorphic targeting value used as part of Shared Targeting.
- TechnologyTargeting
- Represents targeting about various types of technology.
- TimeInterval
- An interval of time, with an absolute start and end.
- TimeOfDay
- Represents a time of day.
- UrlTargeting
- Represents a list of targeted and excluded URLs (e.g.,
- VideoContent
- Video content for a creative.
- VideoTargeting
- Represents targeting information about video.
- WatchCreativeRequest
- A request for watching changes to creative Status.
- CancelNegotiationRequest = $Empty
- Request to cancel an ongoing negotiation.
- CompleteSetupRequest = $Empty
- Request message for indicating that the proposal's setup step is complete.
- Date = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- Money = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
- ResumeProposalRequest = $Empty
- Request message to resume (unpause) serving for an already-finalized proposal.
- StopWatchingCreativeRequest = $Empty
- A request for stopping notifications for changes to creative Status.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.