dimensionValue property
If the execution containing this step has any dimension_definition set, then this field allows the child to specify the values of the dimensions.
The keys must exactly match the dimension_definition of the execution. For
example, if the execution has dimension_definition = ['attempt', 'device']
then a step must define values for those dimensions, eg.
dimension_value = ['attempt': '1', 'device': 'Nexus 6']
If a step does
not participate in one dimension of the matrix, the value for that
dimension should be empty string. For example, if one of the tests is
executed by a runner which does not support retries, the step could have
dimension_value = ['attempt': '', 'device': 'Nexus 6']
If the step does
not participate in any dimensions of the matrix, it may leave
dimension_value unset. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if any of
the keys do not exist in the dimension_definition of the execution. A
PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if another step in this execution
already has the same name and dimension_value, but differs on other data
fields, for example, step field is different. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will
be returned if dimension_value is set, and there is a dimension_definition
in the execution which is not specified as one of the keys. - In response:
present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update
request: never set
core.List<StepDimensionValueEntry>? dimensionValue;