algorithm property
The algorithm used to generate the referenced DNSKEY. Possible string values are:
- "ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED" : The algorithm is unspecified.
- "DSA" : DSA/SHA1. Not recommended for new deployments.
- "ECC" : ECC. Not recommended for new deployments.
- "RSASHA1" : RSA/SHA-1. Not recommended for new deployments.
- "DSANSEC3SHA1" : DSA-NSEC3-SHA1. Not recommended for new deployments.
- "RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1" : RSA/SHA1-NSEC3-SHA1. Not recommended for new deployments.
- "RSASHA256" : RSA/SHA-256.
- "RSASHA512" : RSA/SHA-512.
- "ECCGOST" : GOST R 34.10-2001.
- "ECDSAP256SHA256" : ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256.
- "ECDSAP384SHA384" : ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384.
- "ED25519" : Ed25519.
- "ED448" : Ed448.
core.String? algorithm;