type property

String? type
getter/setter pair

The type of this IP address.

A PRIMARY address is a public address that can accept incoming connections. A PRIVATE address is a private address that can accept incoming connections. An OUTGOING address is the source address of connections originating from the instance, if supported. Possible string values are:

  • "SQL_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : This is an unknown IP address type.
  • "PRIMARY" : IP address the customer is supposed to connect to. Usually this is the load balancer's IP address
  • "OUTGOING" : Source IP address of the connection a read replica establishes to its external primary instance. This IP address can be allowlisted by the customer in case it has a firewall that filters incoming connection to its on premises primary instance.
  • "PRIVATE" : Private IP used when using private IPs and network peering.
  • "MIGRATED_1ST_GEN" : V1 IP of a migrated instance. We want the user to decommission this IP as soon as the migration is complete. Note: V1 instances with V1 ip addresses will be counted as PRIMARY.


core.String? type;