filter property

String? filter
getter/setter pair

Filter for restricting prediction results.

Accepts values for tags and the filterOutOfStockItems flag. * Tag expressions. Restricts predictions to items that match all of the specified tags. Boolean operators OR and NOT are supported if the expression is enclosed in parentheses, and must be separated from the tag values by a space. -"tagA" is also supported and is equivalent to NOT "tagA". Tag values must be double quoted UTF-8 encoded strings with a size limit of 1 KiB. * filterOutOfStockItems. Restricts predictions to items that do not have a stockState value of OUT_OF_STOCK. Examples: * tag=("Red" OR "Blue") tag="New-Arrival" tag=(NOT "promotional") * filterOutOfStockItems tag=(-"promotional") * filterOutOfStockItems If your filter blocks all prediction results, nothing will be returned. If you want generic (unfiltered) popular items to be returned instead, set strictFiltering to false in PredictRequest.params.



core.String? filter;