ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson constructor

  1. Object? json, {
  2. String? impersonatedUser,

Creates a new ServiceAccountCredentials from JSON.

json can be either a Map or a JSON map encoded as a String.

The optional named argument impersonatedUser is used to set the user to impersonate if impersonating a user.


factory ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(Object? json,
    {String? impersonatedUser}) {
  if (json is String) {
    json = jsonDecode(json);
  if (json is! Map) {
    throw ArgumentError('json must be a Map or a String encoding a Map.');
  final identifier = json['client_id'] as String?;
  final privateKey = json['private_key'] as String?;
  final email = json['client_email'] as String?;
  final type = json['type'];

  if (type != 'service_account') {
    throw ArgumentError(
      'The given credentials are not of type '
      'service_account (was: $type).',

  if (identifier == null || privateKey == null || email == null) {
    throw ArgumentError(
      'The given credentials do not contain all the '
      'fields: client_id, private_key and client_email.',

  final clientId = ClientId(identifier);
  return ServiceAccountCredentials(
    impersonatedUser: impersonatedUser,