runningTimeout property

String? runningTimeout
getter/setter pair

Number of seconds that a workstation can run until it is automatically shut down.

We recommend that workstations be shut down daily to reduce costs and so that security updates can be applied upon restart. The idle_timeout and running_timeout fields are independent of each other. Note that the running_timeout field shuts down VMs after the specified time, regardless of whether or not the VMs are idle. Provide duration terminated by s for seconds—for example, "54000s" (15 hours). Defaults to "43200s" (12 hours). A value of "0s" indicates that workstations using this configuration should never time out. If encryption_key is set, it must be greater than "0s" and less than "86400s" (24 hours). Warning: A value of "0s" indicates that Cloud Workstations VMs created with this configuration have no maximum running time. This is strongly discouraged because you incur costs and will not pick up security updates.



core.String? runningTimeout;