revert method
Reverts changes to a GTM Built-In Variables in a GTM Workspace.
Request parameters:
- GTM BuiltInVariable's API relative path. Example:
Value must have pattern
- The type of built-in variable to revert.
Possible string values are:
- "builtInVariableTypeUnspecified"
- "pageUrl"
- "pageHostname"
- "pagePath"
- "referrer"
- "event" : For web or mobile.
- "clickElement"
- "clickClasses"
- "clickId"
- "clickTarget"
- "clickUrl"
- "clickText"
- "firstPartyServingUrl"
- "formElement"
- "formClasses"
- "formId"
- "formTarget"
- "formUrl"
- "formText"
- "errorMessage"
- "errorUrl"
- "errorLine"
- "newHistoryUrl"
- "oldHistoryUrl"
- "newHistoryFragment"
- "oldHistoryFragment"
- "newHistoryState"
- "oldHistoryState"
- "historySource"
- "containerVersion" : For web or mobile.
- "debugMode"
- "randomNumber" : For web or mobile.
- "containerId" : For web or mobile.
- "appId"
- "appName"
- "appVersionCode"
- "appVersionName"
- "language"
- "osVersion"
- "platform"
- "sdkVersion"
- "deviceName"
- "resolution"
- "advertiserId"
- "advertisingTrackingEnabled"
- "htmlId"
- "environmentName"
- "ampBrowserLanguage"
- "ampCanonicalPath"
- "ampCanonicalUrl"
- "ampCanonicalHost"
- "ampReferrer"
- "ampTitle"
- "ampClientId"
- "ampClientTimezone"
- "ampClientTimestamp"
- "ampClientScreenWidth"
- "ampClientScreenHeight"
- "ampClientScrollX"
- "ampClientScrollY"
- "ampClientMaxScrollX"
- "ampClientMaxScrollY"
- "ampTotalEngagedTime"
- "ampPageViewId"
- "ampPageLoadTime"
- "ampPageDownloadTime"
- "ampGtmEvent"
- "eventName"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaign"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaignAclid"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaignAnid"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaignClickTimestamp"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaignContent"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaignCp1"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaignGclid"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaignSource"
- "firebaseEventParameterCampaignTerm"
- "firebaseEventParameterCurrency"
- "firebaseEventParameterDynamicLinkAcceptTime"
- "firebaseEventParameterDynamicLinkLinkid"
- "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageDeviceTime"
- "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageId"
- "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageName"
- "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageTime"
- "firebaseEventParameterNotificationTopic"
- "firebaseEventParameterPreviousAppVersion"
- "firebaseEventParameterPreviousOsVersion"
- "firebaseEventParameterPrice"
- "firebaseEventParameterProductId"
- "firebaseEventParameterQuantity"
- "firebaseEventParameterValue"
- "videoProvider"
- "videoUrl"
- "videoTitle"
- "videoDuration"
- "videoPercent"
- "videoVisible"
- "videoStatus"
- "videoCurrentTime"
- "scrollDepthThreshold"
- "scrollDepthUnits"
- "scrollDepthDirection"
- "elementVisibilityRatio"
- "elementVisibilityTime"
- "elementVisibilityFirstTime"
- "elementVisibilityRecentTime"
- "requestPath"
- "requestMethod"
- "clientName"
- "queryString"
- "serverPageLocationUrl"
- "serverPageLocationPath"
- "serverPageLocationHostname"
- "visitorRegion"
- Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
Completes with a RevertBuiltInVariableResponse.
Completes with a commons.ApiRequestError if the API endpoint returned an error.
If the used http.Client
completes with an error when making a REST call,
this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<RevertBuiltInVariableResponse> revert(
core.String path, {
core.String? type,
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final queryParams_ = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if (type != null) 'type': [type],
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final url_ = 'tagmanager/v2/' +
core.Uri.encodeFull('$path') +
final response_ = await _requester.request(
queryParams: queryParams_,
return RevertBuiltInVariableResponse.fromJson(
response_ as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);