type property

String? type
getter/setter pair

The type of the number format.

When writing, this field must be set. Possible string values are:

  • "NUMBER_FORMAT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : The number format is not specified and is based on the contents of the cell. Do not explicitly use this.
  • "TEXT" : Text formatting, e.g 1000.12
  • "NUMBER" : Number formatting, e.g, 1,000.12
  • "PERCENT" : Percent formatting, e.g 10.12%
  • "CURRENCY" : Currency formatting, e.g $1,000.12
  • "DATE" : Date formatting, e.g 9/26/2008
  • "TIME" : Time formatting, e.g 3:59:00 PM
  • "DATE_TIME" : Date+Time formatting, e.g 9/26/08 15:59:00
  • "SCIENTIFIC" : Scientific number formatting, e.g 1.01E+03


core.String? type;