Cluster class
A cluster instance.
-{bool? asyncClusterEndpointsDeletionEnabled, String? authorizationMode, AutomatedBackupConfig? automatedBackupConfig, String? backupCollection, List<
ClusterEndpoint> ? clusterEndpoints, String? createTime, CrossClusterReplicationConfig? crossClusterReplicationConfig, bool? deletionProtectionEnabled, List<DiscoveryEndpoint> ? discoveryEndpoints, EncryptionInfo? encryptionInfo, GcsBackupSource? gcsSource, String? kmsKey, ClusterMaintenancePolicy? maintenancePolicy, ClusterMaintenanceSchedule? maintenanceSchedule, ManagedBackupSource? managedBackupSource, String? name, String? nodeType, bool? ondemandMaintenance, ClusterPersistenceConfig? persistenceConfig, double? preciseSizeGb, List<PscConfig> ? pscConfigs, List<PscConnection> ? pscConnections, List<PscServiceAttachment> ? pscServiceAttachments, Map<String, String> ? redisConfigs, int? replicaCount, int? shardCount, int? sizeGb, String? state, StateInfo? stateInfo, String? transitEncryptionMode, String? uid, ZoneDistributionConfig? zoneDistributionConfig}) - Cluster.fromJson(Map json_)
- asyncClusterEndpointsDeletionEnabled ↔ bool?
If true, cluster endpoints that are created and registered by customers
can be deleted asynchronously.
getter/setter pair
The authorization mode of the Redis cluster.
getter/setter pair
- automatedBackupConfig ↔ AutomatedBackupConfig?
The automated backup config for the cluster.
getter/setter pair
- backupCollection ↔ String?
The backup collection full resource name.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
ClusterEndpoint> ? -
A list of cluster endpoints.
getter/setter pair
- createTime ↔ String?
The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request.
getter/setter pair
- crossClusterReplicationConfig ↔ CrossClusterReplicationConfig?
Cross cluster replication config.
getter/setter pair
- deletionProtectionEnabled ↔ bool?
The delete operation will fail when the value is set to true.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
DiscoveryEndpoint> ? -
Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to
the cluster.
getter/setter pair
- encryptionInfo ↔ EncryptionInfo?
Encryption information of the data at rest of the cluster.
getter/setter pair
- gcsSource ↔ GcsBackupSource?
Backups stored in Cloud Storage buckets.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- kmsKey ↔ String?
The KMS key used to encrypt the at-rest data of the cluster.
getter/setter pair
- maintenancePolicy ↔ ClusterMaintenancePolicy?
ClusterMaintenancePolicy determines when to allow or deny updates.
getter/setter pair
- maintenanceSchedule ↔ ClusterMaintenanceSchedule?
ClusterMaintenanceSchedule Output only Published maintenance schedule.
getter/setter pair
- managedBackupSource ↔ ManagedBackupSource?
Backups generated and managed by memorystore service.
getter/setter pair
- name ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- nodeType ↔ String?
The type of a redis node in the cluster.
getter/setter pair
- ondemandMaintenance ↔ bool?
Input only.
getter/setter pair
- persistenceConfig ↔ ClusterPersistenceConfig?
Persistence config (RDB, AOF) for the cluster.
getter/setter pair
- preciseSizeGb ↔ double?
Precise value of redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
PscConfig> ? -
Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where IPs will be
designated to the cluster for client access through Private Service
Connect Automation.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
PscConnection> ? -
The list of PSC connections that are auto-created through service
connectivity automation.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
PscServiceAttachment> ? -
Service attachment details to configure Psc connections
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, String> ? -
Key/Value pairs of customer overrides for mutable Redis Configs
getter/setter pair
- replicaCount ↔ int?
The number of replica nodes per shard.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
getter/setter pair
- sizeGb ↔ int?
Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster rounded up to the next
getter/setter pair
- state ↔ String?
The current state of this cluster.
getter/setter pair
- stateInfo ↔ StateInfo?
Additional information about the current state of the cluster.
getter/setter pair
- transitEncryptionMode ↔ String?
The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster.
getter/setter pair
- uid ↔ String?
System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
getter/setter pair
- zoneDistributionConfig ↔ ZoneDistributionConfig?
This config will be used to determine how the customer wants us to
distribute cluster resources within the region.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.