GoogleMapsPlacesV1Place class
All the information representing a Place.
-{GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceAccessibilityOptions? accessibilityOptions, List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceAddressComponent> ? addressComponents, GoogleMapsPlacesV1AddressDescriptor? addressDescriptor, String? adrFormatAddress, bool? allowsDogs, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceAreaSummary? areaSummary, List<GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceAttribution> ? attributions, String? businessStatus, List<GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceContainingPlace> ? containingPlaces, bool? curbsidePickup, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceOpeningHours? currentOpeningHours, List<GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceOpeningHours> ? currentSecondaryOpeningHours, bool? delivery, bool? dineIn, GoogleTypeLocalizedText? displayName, GoogleTypeLocalizedText? editorialSummary, GoogleMapsPlacesV1EVChargeOptions? evChargeOptions, String? formattedAddress, GoogleMapsPlacesV1FuelOptions? fuelOptions, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceGenerativeSummary? generativeSummary, bool? goodForChildren, bool? goodForGroups, bool? goodForWatchingSports, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceGoogleMapsLinks? googleMapsLinks, String? googleMapsUri, String? iconBackgroundColor, String? iconMaskBaseUri, String? id, String? internationalPhoneNumber, bool? liveMusic, GoogleTypeLatLng? location, String? name, String? nationalPhoneNumber, bool? outdoorSeating, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceParkingOptions? parkingOptions, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlacePaymentOptions? paymentOptions, List<GoogleMapsPlacesV1Photo> ? photos, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlacePlusCode? plusCode, String? priceLevel, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PriceRange? priceRange, String? primaryType, GoogleTypeLocalizedText? primaryTypeDisplayName, bool? pureServiceAreaBusiness, double? rating, GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceOpeningHours? regularOpeningHours, List<GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceOpeningHours> ? regularSecondaryOpeningHours, bool? reservable, bool? restroom, List<GoogleMapsPlacesV1Review> ? reviews, bool? servesBeer, bool? servesBreakfast, bool? servesBrunch, bool? servesCocktails, bool? servesCoffee, bool? servesDessert, bool? servesDinner, bool? servesLunch, bool? servesVegetarianFood, bool? servesWine, String? shortFormattedAddress, List<GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceSubDestination> ? subDestinations, bool? takeout, GoogleTypeTimeZone? timeZone, List<String> ? types, int? userRatingCount, int? utcOffsetMinutes, GoogleGeoTypeViewport? viewport, String? websiteUri}) - GoogleMapsPlacesV1Place.fromJson(Map json_)
- accessibilityOptions ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceAccessibilityOptions?
Information about the accessibility options a place offers.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceAddressComponent> ? -
Repeated components for each locality level.
getter/setter pair
- addressDescriptor ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1AddressDescriptor?
The address descriptor of the place.
getter/setter pair
- adrFormatAddress ↔ String?
The place's address in adr microformat:
getter/setter pair
- allowsDogs ↔ bool?
Place allows dogs.
getter/setter pair
- areaSummary ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceAreaSummary?
Experimental: See
for more details.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceAttribution> ? -
A set of data provider that must be shown with this result.
getter/setter pair
- businessStatus ↔ String?
The business status for the place.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceContainingPlace> ? -
List of places in which the current place is located.
getter/setter pair
- curbsidePickup ↔ bool?
Specifies if the business supports curbside pickup.
getter/setter pair
- currentOpeningHours ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceOpeningHours?
The hours of operation for the next seven days (including today).
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceOpeningHours> ? -
Contains an array of entries for the next seven days including information
about secondary hours of a business.
getter/setter pair
- delivery ↔ bool?
Specifies if the business supports delivery.
getter/setter pair
- dineIn ↔ bool?
Specifies if the business supports indoor or outdoor seating options.
getter/setter pair
- displayName ↔ GoogleTypeLocalizedText?
The localized name of the place, suitable as a short human-readable
getter/setter pair
- editorialSummary ↔ GoogleTypeLocalizedText?
Contains a summary of the place.
getter/setter pair
- evChargeOptions ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1EVChargeOptions?
Information of ev charging options.
getter/setter pair
- formattedAddress ↔ String?
A full, human-readable address for this place.
getter/setter pair
- fuelOptions ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1FuelOptions?
The most recent information about fuel options in a gas station.
getter/setter pair
- generativeSummary ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceGenerativeSummary?
Experimental: See
for more details.
getter/setter pair
- goodForChildren ↔ bool?
Place is good for children.
getter/setter pair
- goodForGroups ↔ bool?
Place accommodates groups.
getter/setter pair
- goodForWatchingSports ↔ bool?
Place is suitable for watching sports.
getter/setter pair
- googleMapsLinks ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceGoogleMapsLinks?
Links to trigger different Google Maps actions.
getter/setter pair
- googleMapsUri ↔ String?
A URL providing more information about this place.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- iconBackgroundColor ↔ String?
Background color for icon_mask in hex format, e.g. #909CE1.
getter/setter pair
- iconMaskBaseUri ↔ String?
A truncated URL to an icon mask.
getter/setter pair
- id ↔ String?
The unique identifier of a place.
getter/setter pair
- internationalPhoneNumber ↔ String?
A human-readable phone number for the place, in international format.
getter/setter pair
- liveMusic ↔ bool?
Place provides live music.
getter/setter pair
- location ↔ GoogleTypeLatLng?
The position of this place.
getter/setter pair
Place has a children's menu.
getter/setter pair
- name ↔ String?
This Place's resource name, in
format.getter/setter pair - nationalPhoneNumber ↔ String?
A human-readable phone number for the place, in national format.
getter/setter pair
- outdoorSeating ↔ bool?
Place provides outdoor seating.
getter/setter pair
- parkingOptions ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceParkingOptions?
Options of parking provided by the place.
getter/setter pair
- paymentOptions ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlacePaymentOptions?
Payment options the place accepts.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1Photo> ? -
Information (including references) about photos of this place.
getter/setter pair
- plusCode ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlacePlusCode?
Plus code of the place location lat/long.
getter/setter pair
- priceLevel ↔ String?
Price level of the place.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- priceRange ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PriceRange?
The price range associated with a Place.
getter/setter pair
- primaryType ↔ String?
The primary type of the given result.
getter/setter pair
- primaryTypeDisplayName ↔ GoogleTypeLocalizedText?
The display name of the primary type, localized to the request language if
getter/setter pair
- pureServiceAreaBusiness ↔ bool?
Indicates whether the place is a pure service area business.
getter/setter pair
- rating ↔ double?
A rating between 1.0 and 5.0, based on user reviews of this place.
getter/setter pair
- regularOpeningHours ↔ GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceOpeningHours?
The regular hours of operation.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceOpeningHours> ? -
Contains an array of entries for information about regular secondary hours
of a business.
getter/setter pair
- reservable ↔ bool?
Specifies if the place supports reservations.
getter/setter pair
- restroom ↔ bool?
Place has restroom.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1Review> ? -
List of reviews about this place, sorted by relevance.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- servesBeer ↔ bool?
Specifies if the place serves beer.
getter/setter pair
- servesBreakfast ↔ bool?
Specifies if the place serves breakfast.
getter/setter pair
- servesBrunch ↔ bool?
Specifies if the place serves brunch.
getter/setter pair
- servesCocktails ↔ bool?
Place serves cocktails.
getter/setter pair
- servesCoffee ↔ bool?
Place serves coffee.
getter/setter pair
- servesDessert ↔ bool?
Place serves dessert.
getter/setter pair
- servesDinner ↔ bool?
Specifies if the place serves dinner.
getter/setter pair
- servesLunch ↔ bool?
Specifies if the place serves lunch.
getter/setter pair
- servesVegetarianFood ↔ bool?
Specifies if the place serves vegetarian food.
getter/setter pair
- servesWine ↔ bool?
Specifies if the place serves wine.
getter/setter pair
- shortFormattedAddress ↔ String?
A short, human-readable address for this place.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleMapsPlacesV1PlaceSubDestination> ? -
A list of sub destinations related to the place.
getter/setter pair
- takeout ↔ bool?
Specifies if the business supports takeout.
getter/setter pair
- timeZone ↔ GoogleTypeTimeZone?
IANA Time Zone Database time zone.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
A set of type tags for this result.
getter/setter pair
- userRatingCount ↔ int?
The total number of reviews (with or without text) for this place.
getter/setter pair
- utcOffsetMinutes ↔ int?
Number of minutes this place's timezone is currently offset from UTC.
getter/setter pair
- viewport ↔ GoogleGeoTypeViewport?
A viewport suitable for displaying the place on an average-sized map.
getter/setter pair
- websiteUri ↔ String?
The authoritative website for this place, e.g. a business' homepage.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.