RendererFormattedStrings class
Message holding the formatted strings used in the renderer.
-{String? auditGroupExpandTooltip, String? calculatorLink, String? crcLongestDurationLabel, String? dropdownCopyJSON, String? dropdownDarkTheme, String? dropdownPrintExpanded, String? dropdownPrintSummary, String? dropdownSaveGist, String? dropdownSaveHTML, String? dropdownSaveJSON, String? dropdownViewer, String? errorLabel, String? errorMissingAuditInfo, String? labDataTitle, String? lsPerformanceCategoryDescription, String? manualAuditsGroupTitle, String? notApplicableAuditsGroupTitle, String? opportunityResourceColumnLabel, String? opportunitySavingsColumnLabel, String? passedAuditsGroupTitle, String? runtimeDesktopEmulation, String? runtimeMobileEmulation, String? runtimeNoEmulation, String? runtimeSettingsAxeVersion, String? runtimeSettingsBenchmark, String? runtimeSettingsCPUThrottling, String? runtimeSettingsChannel, String? runtimeSettingsDevice, String? runtimeSettingsFetchTime, String? runtimeSettingsNetworkThrottling, String? runtimeSettingsTitle, String? runtimeSettingsUA, String? runtimeSettingsUANetwork, String? runtimeSettingsUrl, String? runtimeUnknown, String? scorescaleLabel, String? showRelevantAudits, String? snippetCollapseButtonLabel, String? snippetExpandButtonLabel, String? thirdPartyResourcesLabel, String? throttlingProvided, String? toplevelWarningsMessage, String? varianceDisclaimer, String? viewTreemapLabel, String? warningAuditsGroupTitle, String? warningHeader})
- RendererFormattedStrings.fromJson(Map json_)
- auditGroupExpandTooltip ↔ String?
The tooltip text on an expandable chevron icon.
getter/setter pair
- calculatorLink ↔ String?
Text link pointing to the Lighthouse scoring calculator.
getter/setter pair
The label for the initial request in a critical request chain.
getter/setter pair
- crcLongestDurationLabel ↔ String?
The label for values shown in the summary of critical request chains.
getter/setter pair
- dropdownCopyJSON ↔ String?
Option in a dropdown menu that copies the Lighthouse JSON object to the
system clipboard.
getter/setter pair
- dropdownDarkTheme ↔ String?
Option in a dropdown menu that toggles the themeing of the report between
Light(default) and Dark themes.
getter/setter pair
- dropdownPrintExpanded ↔ String?
Option in a dropdown menu that opens a full Lighthouse report in a print
getter/setter pair
- dropdownPrintSummary ↔ String?
Option in a dropdown menu that opens a small, summary report in a print
getter/setter pair
- dropdownSaveGist ↔ String?
Option in a dropdown menu that saves the current report as a new GitHub
getter/setter pair
- dropdownSaveHTML ↔ String?
Option in a dropdown menu that saves the Lighthouse report HTML locally to
the system as a '.html' file.
getter/setter pair
- dropdownSaveJSON ↔ String?
Option in a dropdown menu that saves the Lighthouse JSON object to the
local system as a '.json' file.
getter/setter pair
- dropdownViewer ↔ String?
Option in a dropdown menu that opens the current report in the Lighthouse
Viewer Application.
getter/setter pair
- errorLabel ↔ String?
The label shown next to an audit or metric that has had an error.
getter/setter pair
- errorMissingAuditInfo ↔ String?
The error string shown next to an erroring audit.
getter/setter pair
Label for button to create an issue against the Lighthouse GitHub project.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- labDataTitle ↔ String?
The title of the lab data performance category.
getter/setter pair
- lsPerformanceCategoryDescription ↔ String?
The disclaimer shown under performance explaining that the network can
getter/setter pair
- manualAuditsGroupTitle ↔ String?
The heading shown above a list of audits that were not computerd in the
getter/setter pair
- notApplicableAuditsGroupTitle ↔ String?
The heading shown above a list of audits that do not apply to a page.
getter/setter pair
- opportunityResourceColumnLabel ↔ String?
The heading for the estimated page load savings opportunity of an audit.
getter/setter pair
- opportunitySavingsColumnLabel ↔ String?
The heading for the estimated page load savings of opportunity audits.
getter/setter pair
- passedAuditsGroupTitle ↔ String?
The heading that is shown above a list of audits that are passing.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeDesktopEmulation ↔ String?
Descriptive explanation for emulation setting when emulating a generic
desktop form factor, as opposed to a mobile-device like form factor.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeMobileEmulation ↔ String?
Descriptive explanation for emulation setting when emulating a Nexus 5X
mobile device.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeNoEmulation ↔ String?
Descriptive explanation for emulation setting when no device emulation is
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsAxeVersion ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that shows the version of the Axe library used
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsBenchmark ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that shows the estimated CPU power of the
machine running Lighthouse.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsChannel ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that shows in what tool Lighthouse is being run
(e.g. The lighthouse CLI, Chrome DevTools, Lightrider, WebPageTest, etc).
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsCPUThrottling ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that describes the CPU throttling conditions
that were used during a Lighthouse run, if any.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsDevice ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that describes the kind of device that was
emulated for the Lighthouse run.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsFetchTime ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that shows the time at which a Lighthouse run
was conducted; formatted as a timestamp, e.g. Jan 1, 1970 12:00 AM UTC.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsNetworkThrottling ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that describes the network throttling
conditions that were used during a Lighthouse run, if any.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsTitle ↔ String?
Title of the Runtime settings table in a Lighthouse report.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsUA ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that shows the User Agent that was detected on
the Host machine that ran Lighthouse.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsUANetwork ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that shows the User Agent that was used to send
out all network requests during the Lighthouse run.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeSettingsUrl ↔ String?
Label for a row in a table that shows the URL that was audited during a
Lighthouse run.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeUnknown ↔ String?
Descriptive explanation for a runtime setting that is set to an unknown
getter/setter pair
- scorescaleLabel ↔ String?
The label that explains the score gauges scale (0-49, 50-89, 90-100).
getter/setter pair
- showRelevantAudits ↔ String?
Label preceding a radio control for filtering the list of audits.
getter/setter pair
- snippetCollapseButtonLabel ↔ String?
The label for the button to show only a few lines of a snippet
getter/setter pair
- snippetExpandButtonLabel ↔ String?
The label for the button to show all lines of a snippet
getter/setter pair
- thirdPartyResourcesLabel ↔ String?
This label is for a filter checkbox above a table of items
getter/setter pair
- throttlingProvided ↔ String?
Descriptive explanation for environment throttling that was provided by
the runtime environment instead of provided by Lighthouse throttling.
getter/setter pair
- toplevelWarningsMessage ↔ String?
The label shown preceding important warnings that may have invalidated an
entire report.
getter/setter pair
- varianceDisclaimer ↔ String?
The disclaimer shown below a performance metric value.
getter/setter pair
- viewTreemapLabel ↔ String?
Label for a button that opens the Treemap App
getter/setter pair
- warningAuditsGroupTitle ↔ String?
The heading that is shown above a list of audits that have warnings
getter/setter pair
- warningHeader ↔ String?
The label shown above a bulleted list of warnings.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.