Instance class
The definition of a notebook instance.
-{AcceleratorConfig? acceleratorConfig, String? bootDiskSizeGb, String? bootDiskType, bool? canIpForward, ContainerImage? containerImage, String? createTime, String? creator, String? customGpuDriverPath, String? dataDiskSizeGb, String? dataDiskType, String? diskEncryption, List<
Disk> ? disks, bool? installGpuDriver, InstanceMigrationEligibility? instanceMigrationEligibility, List<String> ? instanceOwners, String? kmsKey, Map<String, String> ? labels, String? machineType, Map<String, String> ? metadata, bool? migrated, String? name, String? network, String? nicType, bool? noProxyAccess, bool? noPublicIp, bool? noRemoveDataDisk, String? postStartupScript, String? proxyUri, ReservationAffinity? reservationAffinity, String? serviceAccount, List<String> ? serviceAccountScopes, ShieldedInstanceConfig? shieldedInstanceConfig, String? state, String? subnet, List<String> ? tags, String? updateTime, List<UpgradeHistoryEntry> ? upgradeHistory, VmImage? vmImage}) - Instance.fromJson(Map json_)
- acceleratorConfig ↔ AcceleratorConfig?
The hardware accelerator used on this instance.
getter/setter pair
- bootDiskSizeGb ↔ String?
Input only.
getter/setter pair
- bootDiskType ↔ String?
Input only.
getter/setter pair
- canIpForward ↔ bool?
Flag to enable ip forwarding or not, default false/off.
getter/setter pair
- containerImage ↔ ContainerImage?
Use a container image to start the notebook instance.
getter/setter pair
- createTime ↔ String?
Instance creation time.
getter/setter pair
- creator ↔ String?
Email address of entity that sent original CreateInstance request.
getter/setter pair
- customGpuDriverPath ↔ String?
Specify a custom Cloud Storage path where the GPU driver is stored.
getter/setter pair
- dataDiskSizeGb ↔ String?
Input only.
getter/setter pair
- dataDiskType ↔ String?
Input only.
getter/setter pair
- diskEncryption ↔ String?
Input only.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Disk> ? -
Attached disks to notebook instance.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- installGpuDriver ↔ bool?
Whether the end user authorizes Google Cloud to install GPU driver on this
getter/setter pair
- instanceMigrationEligibility ↔ InstanceMigrationEligibility?
Checks how feasible a migration from UmN to WbI is.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
Input only.
getter/setter pair
- kmsKey ↔ String?
Input only.
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, String> ? -
Labels to apply to this instance.
getter/setter pair
- machineType ↔ String?
Compute Engine machine type
of this instance.
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, String> ? -
Custom metadata to apply to this instance.
getter/setter pair
- migrated ↔ bool?
Bool indicating whether this notebook has been migrated to a Workbench
getter/setter pair
- name ↔ String?
The name of this notebook instance.
getter/setter pair
- network ↔ String?
The name of the VPC that this instance is in.
getter/setter pair
- nicType ↔ String?
The type of vNIC to be used on this interface.
getter/setter pair
- noProxyAccess ↔ bool?
If true, the notebook instance will not register with the proxy.
getter/setter pair
- noPublicIp ↔ bool?
If true, no external IP will be assigned to this instance.
getter/setter pair
- noRemoveDataDisk ↔ bool?
Input only.
getter/setter pair
- postStartupScript ↔ String?
Path to a Bash script that automatically runs after a notebook instance
fully boots up.
getter/setter pair
- proxyUri ↔ String?
The proxy endpoint that is used to access the Jupyter notebook.
getter/setter pair
- reservationAffinity ↔ ReservationAffinity?
The optional reservation affinity.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- serviceAccount ↔ String?
The service account on this instance, giving access to other Google Cloud
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
The URIs of service account scopes to be included in Compute Engine
getter/setter pair
- shieldedInstanceConfig ↔ ShieldedInstanceConfig?
Shielded VM configuration.
getter/setter pair
- state ↔ String?
The state of this instance.
getter/setter pair
- subnet ↔ String?
The name of the subnet that this instance is in.
getter/setter pair
The Compute Engine network tags to add to runtime (see
Add network tags).
getter/setter pair
- updateTime ↔ String?
Instance update time.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
UpgradeHistoryEntry> ? -
The upgrade history of this instance.
getter/setter pair
- vmImage ↔ VmImage?
Use a Compute Engine VM image to start the notebook instance.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.