checkerType property

String? checkerType
getter/setter pair

The type of checkers to use to execute the Uptime check. Possible string values are:

  • "CHECKER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : The default checker type. Currently converted to STATIC_IP_CHECKERS on creation, the default conversion behavior may change in the future.
  • "STATIC_IP_CHECKERS" : STATIC_IP_CHECKERS are used for uptime checks that perform egress across the public internet. STATIC_IP_CHECKERS use the static IP addresses returned by ListUptimeCheckIps.
  • "VPC_CHECKERS" : VPC_CHECKERS are used for uptime checks that perform egress using Service Directory and private network access. When using VPC_CHECKERS, the monitored resource type must be servicedirectory_service.


core.String? checkerType;