taskExecutionState property
The execution state of this task. Possible string values are:
- "PENDING_EXECUTION" : Task is waiting for its precondition tasks to finish to start the execution.
- "IN_PROCESS" : Task is under processing.
- "SUCCEED" : Task execution successfully finished. There's no more change after this state.
- "FAILED" : Task execution failed. There's no more change after this state.
- "FATAL" : Task execution failed and cause the whole integration execution to fail immediately. There's no more change after this state.
- "RETRY_ON_HOLD" : Task execution failed and waiting for retry.
- "SKIPPED" : Task execution skipped. This happens when its precondition wasn't met, or the integration execution been canceled before reach to the task. There's no more changes after this state.
- "CANCELLED" : Task execution canceled when in progress. This happens when integration execution been canceled or any other task fall in fatal state.
- "PENDING_ROLLBACK" : Task is waiting for its dependency tasks' rollback to finish to start its rollback.
- "ROLLBACK_IN_PROCESS" : Task is rolling back.
- "ROLLEDBACK" : Task is rolled back. This is the state we will set regardless of rollback succeeding or failing.
- "SUSPENDED" : Task is a SuspensionTask which has executed once, creating a pending suspension.
core.String? taskExecutionState;