conditionalDelete method
Deletes a FHIR resource that match an identifier search query.
Implements the FHIR standard conditional delete interaction, limited to
searching by resource identifier. If multiple resources match, 412
Precondition Failed error will be returned. Search term for identifier
should be in the pattern identifier=system|value
or identifier=value
similar to the search
method on resources with a specific identifier.
Note: Unless resource versioning is disabled by setting the
disable_resource_versioning flag on the FHIR store, the deleted resource
is moved to a history repository that can still be retrieved through vread
and related methods, unless they are removed by the purge method. For
samples that show how to call conditionalDelete
, see
Conditionally deleting a FHIR resource.
Request parameters:
- Required. The name of the FHIR store this resource belongs to.
Value must have pattern
- Required. The FHIR resource type to delete, such as Patient or
Observation. For a complete list, see the FHIR Resource Index
Value must have pattern ^\[^/\]+$
- Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
Completes with a Empty.
Completes with a commons.ApiRequestError if the API endpoint returned an error.
If the used http.Client
completes with an error when making a REST call,
this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Empty> conditionalDelete(
core.String parent,
core.String type, {
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final queryParams_ = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final url_ = 'v1/' +
core.Uri.encodeFull('$parent') +
'/fhir/' +
final response_ = await _requester.request(
queryParams: queryParams_,
return Empty.fromJson(response_ as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);