timestampField property

GooglePrivacyDlpV2FieldId? timestampField
getter/setter pair

Specification of the field containing the timestamp of scanned items.

Used for data sources like Datastore and BigQuery. For BigQuery If this value is not specified and the table was modified between the given start and end times, the entire table will be scanned. If this value is specified, then rows are filtered based on the given start and end times. Rows with a NULL value in the provided BigQuery column are skipped. Valid data types of the provided BigQuery column are: INTEGER, DATE, TIMESTAMP, and DATETIME. If your BigQuery table is partitioned at ingestion time, you can use any of the following pseudo-columns as your timestamp field. When used with Cloud DLP, these pseudo-column names are case sensitive. - _PARTITIONTIME - _PARTITIONDATE - _PARTITION_LOAD_TIME For Datastore If this value is specified, then entities are filtered based on the given start and end times. If an entity does not contain the provided timestamp property or contains empty or invalid values, then it is included. Valid data types of the provided timestamp property are: TIMESTAMP. See the known issue related to this operation.


GooglePrivacyDlpV2FieldId? timestampField;