list method
Returns the list of all knowledge bases of the specified agent.
Request parameters:
- Required. The project to list of knowledge bases for. Format:
Value must have pattern ^projects/\[^/\]+/agent$
- The filter expression used to filter knowledge bases returned
by the list method. The expression has the following syntax: [AND ] ...
The following fields and operators are supported: * display_name with
has(:) operator * language_code with equals(=) operator Examples: *
'language_code=en-us' matches knowledge bases with en-us language code. *
'display_name:articles' matches knowledge bases whose display name
contains "articles". * 'display_name:"Best Articles"' matches knowledge
bases whose display name contains "Best Articles". * 'language_code=en-gb
AND display_name=articles' matches all knowledge bases whose display name
contains "articles" and whose language code is "en-gb". Note: An empty
filter string (i.e. "") is a no-op and will result in no filtering. For
more information about filtering, see
API Filtering.
- The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By
default 10 and at most 100.
- The next_page_token value returned from a previous list
- Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
Completes with a GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListKnowledgeBasesResponse.
Completes with a commons.ApiRequestError if the API endpoint returned an error.
If the used http.Client
completes with an error when making a REST call,
this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListKnowledgeBasesResponse> list(
core.String parent, {
core.String? filter, pageSize,
core.String? pageToken,
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final queryParams_ = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if (filter != null) 'filter': [filter],
if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': ['${pageSize}'],
if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken],
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final url_ = 'v2/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$parent') + '/knowledgeBases';
final response_ = await _requester.request(
queryParams: queryParams_,
return GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListKnowledgeBasesResponse.fromJson(
response_ as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);