filePattern property

List<String>? filePattern
getter/setter pair

Patterns to identify a set of files for this fileset.

Examples of a valid file_pattern: * gs://bucket_name/dir / * : matches all files in the bucket_name/dir directory * gs://bucket_name/dir / * *: matches all files in the bucket_name/dir and all subdirectories recursively * gs://bucket_name/file*: matches files prefixed by file in bucket_name * gs://bucket_name/??.txt: matches files with two characters followed by .txt in bucket_name * gs://bucket_name/[aeiou].txt: matches files that contain a single vowel character followed by .txt in bucket_name * gs://bucket_name/[a-m].txt: matches files that contain a, b, ... or m followed by .txt in bucket_name * gs://bucket_name/a / * /b: matches all files in bucket_name that match the a / * /b pattern, such as a/c/b, a/d/b * gs://another_bucket/a.txt: matches gs://another_bucket/a.txt


core.List<core.String>? filePattern;