LiasettingsResource class
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
custombatch(LiasettingsCustomBatchRequest request, {String? $fields})
→ Future<LiasettingsCustomBatchResponse>
Retrieves and/or updates the LIA settings of multiple accounts in a single
get(String merchantId, String accountId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<LiaSettings>
Retrieves the LIA settings of the account.
getaccessiblegmbaccounts(String merchantId, String accountId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<LiasettingsGetAccessibleGmbAccountsResponse>
Retrieves the list of accessible Business Profiles.
list(String merchantId, {int? maxResults, String? pageToken, String? $fields})
→ Future<LiasettingsListResponse>
Lists the LIA settings of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center
listposdataproviders({String? $fields})
→ Future<LiasettingsListPosDataProvidersResponse>
Retrieves the list of POS data providers that have active settings for the
all eiligible countries.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
requestgmbaccess(String merchantId, String accountId, String gmbEmail, {String? $fields})
→ Future<LiasettingsRequestGmbAccessResponse>
Requests access to a specified Business Profile.
requestinventoryverification(String merchantId, String accountId, String country, {String? $fields})
→ Future<LiasettingsRequestInventoryVerificationResponse>
Requests inventory validation for the specified country.
setinventoryverificationcontact(String merchantId, String accountId, String country, String language, String contactName, String contactEmail, {String? $fields})
→ Future<LiasettingsSetInventoryVerificationContactResponse>
Sets the inventory verification contract for the specified country.
setomnichannelexperience(String merchantId, String accountId, {String? country, String? lsfType, List<String>? pickupTypes, String? $fields})
→ Future<LiaOmnichannelExperience>
Sets the omnichannel experience for the specified country.
setposdataprovider(String merchantId, String accountId, String country, {String? posDataProviderId, String? posExternalAccountId, String? $fields})
→ Future<LiasettingsSetPosDataProviderResponse>
Sets the POS data provider for the specified country.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
update(LiaSettings request, String merchantId, String accountId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<LiaSettings>
Updates the LIA settings of the account.